Saturday, 8 August 2009


Do you believe in Allah? Its a simple question which most of you will instantaneously say yes. In fact any other answer other than yes probably means you lead a very pointless life. But for all of us that did say yes, it is time for question number 2. Since you believe in Allah, why do you think it is so hard to do what we have been instructed to do in the holy Al-Quran. To fulfill our duties and to leave what we have been forbidden to do.

These are 2 very simple questions we can ask ourselves when reflecting on life. To be a proper muslim, we need to fulfill the 5 requirements, Rukun Islam. Number 1, the most important one is mengucap dua kalimah syahadat. Professing ones belief in the oneness of Allah and that Nabi Muhammad SAW is Allahs messenger. It is a simple place to start when asking yourself what kind of person you have become and how you are going to improve yourself from now on. Its simple to ask, but merely saying the syahadat is not enough. You have to believe with all your heart in the words you are saying not just because you are suppose to, but because you know that Allah is our creator and our purpose is to serve Allah.

Still sounding easy though? Bagus Allhamdullilah. Then there is no reason why we cannot complete the tasks we have been given and to leave all which is forbidden. Sembahyang, Puasa, membaca Al-Quran, Beribadat, Zakat, menutup aurat, makan makanan halal, no alcohol, no dating, no mingling between men and women, inda mengumpat...

Why is it so hard to do these things? Kami malas kah? We think we still have tons of time to insaf. We think that its ok as long as kami percayakan kepada Allah. Only Allah knows why we do the things we do and only Allah knows how long we have to insaf over the sins we have committed. Everyday is a challenge. Even the most holiest of us have bad days and only one small sin can be the start to the rosak-ing of our iman, our faith. That is why we need to better ourselves everyday in order to prevent this from happening.

Payah pulang and you may read this and think, esok saja. Or I may be totally in the wrong, trying to feed my ego by preaching to you all when I myself am far from being half decent. Only Allah knows and all we can do is try and do what we think is right while always asking Allah for forgiveness for any sin we have committed, knowingly or not. So think not badly of me for sharing my opinions and I apologize kalau ada salah yang im trying to say ani.

Ok atu saja kali dulu. Assalamualaikum

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