Saturday, 5 June 2010

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullah

Hello all. I wont bore you with the normal 'sorry aku batah inda update' stuff. Im sure most of you know aku ani pemalas especially when it comes to times when I have so much free time on my hands. Its when im at my laziest to do anything besides main game. If I could get a game console and a tv hammered to the ceiling so i wouldnt have to get up ... I would still probably find something to complain about as I would still have to get up and make food. Changing game cds would also be a problem kalau the console is on the ceiling. Its still a good idea though for a lazy gamer. Probably not the best for a normal person.

Banarnya the only reason why I have worked up enough effort to update is because I am in a jiwang mood. For those of you who dont know, I am a hopeless romantic. I always have been. Since my days in SOAS ive always been dreaming of ways to sweep my (imaginary) girlfriend off her feet and amaze her with my totally awesome acts of romance. My siblings, who also probably read this, think im gay for doing it. We as a family have never really been that in touch with romance. Membari malu saja kalau ngam kedapatan aku kan bejiwang sama (imaginary) girlfriend / wife. But nevertheless, the ideas flow through my head like water from my super leaky kitchen tap.

Today I re-watched 'definitely maybe' again. It is up there with my favorite love movie of all time, 'Love Actually'. Gila I could watch these films over and over and never get bored. For the more relatable (spelling!!) jiwang movie, I waste hours upon hours with 'ayat ayat cinta'. Ohh Aisya how cantik you are. Berapa kali sudah ku liat and also think about how differently I would do things if I were in that situation. One of the reasons aku iski berabis kan ke Egypt back in april was because aku kan relive the whole film. Sadly, balum masanya. But Alhamdullillah, best trip I have ever been on.

So here's the whole point of this post. Why am I so caught up with this idea of romance? Or rather, why am I so caught up with this idea of a western romance? Even ayat ayat cinta, despite the marriage being done in a halal way, I THINK that the main guy atu is concerned about the western concept of love.

How you fall in love at first sight. How you automatically know this is the person you are suppose to live the rest of your life with. ...(insert other movie scenarios) ... In my opinion, these are all western ideas about love.

Im not saying this is wrong. I have been pretty much obsessed with these ideas. How I wish to meet my future wife and automatically know that this girl is definitely (maybe :P) the girl im going to spend dunia and akhirat with. It drives you crazy this idea of love. You long for it. Obsess over it. Stress yourself out over it. Get depressed over it. But why? I ask myself the same question all the time.

The only thing I can think of is that we are desperately looking for the person who will complete us. Who will complete our Iman. Who will make us better people, better muslims. I think most would agree.

But lately I thought of something else. Who better to look for when we want to better ourselves. Who better to complete us. Who better than our creator Allah the all mighty, the all knowing. How can we ask/beg Allah for our soul mate, for love when we are missing out the most important thing. Love for our lord. We (maybe just I), take too much for granted when it comes to these matters. We (I) ask for so much but give so little in return. You need to think back right to the basics.

Why were we created?

To worship Allah.

Next would be how do we worship Allah? First there are the five pillars of Islam then the 6 pillars of faith. You can make individual questions for all of these and I could be here all night so instead I will skip to the most important one in relation to what im talking about.

How do we love Allah?

We love our parents im quite sure. They brought us up, made us into the fine people we are today. Can we honestly say we love Allah in an equal manner to our parents. This is already wrong. We should love Allah more than anything other person, thing or idea. Now this is true love. This is the love which is the most powerful in the world. Now I will share with you something I read from a book. This is not exactly what I read so I ask for forgiveness for any inaccuracies.

Allah created an ocean of love. One drop from this ocean has been divided into all the love we have for things. Love for a girlfriend. For a beautiful man/woman. For football. For games. For everything except love you have for your lord. And when you find this love, Allah will bless you with oceans of love. And this is true love. Then you will have endless love for your wife/husband. Only when you understand the love for your lord will you get anywhere close to truly loving anything else.

Apologies kalau ada salah sedikit/banyak. This is pokoknya i guess. To find love, we need to first love Allah. This can be very easy of very difficult. All matters are up to Allah to decide. It has all been preordained so dont worry about it. I can say honestly that I am MILES AND MILES AND MILES away from where I should be. Where I want to be. So ive realised, how can I ask for marriage when I myself am not where I should be as a good muslim.

Insyallah one day we will all reach the highest level of love and religion. Insyallah we will have a loving spounse to share this with. Just remember that Allah doesnt test any of us to more than we can cope with. Just stay strong and chillax, have faith. If your faith is lost, so is your religion so never lose it. Insyallah.

Ok its 4.15am. SAYA MAU TIDUR!! Hopefully update again soon. Apologies again kalau ada tesalah cakap, nasihat, type or totally inda make sense.

Assalamualaikum warrahmattullahi wabarrakattuh.

1 comment:

  1. Wa'alaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

    Alhamdulillah, praises to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, for only His will shall we be within this nikmat we call islam and also within this nikmat we call iman (insya Allah). Alhamdulillah. Allahu akbar!

    I quite agree with that statement you have mentioned in your post, "Only when you understand the love for your lord will you get anywhere close to truly loving anything else."

    I think it goes back to our niat. Lets question ourselves, our niat, why do we want to love Allah? Do we want to love Allah just because we want Him to grant us a spouse? Allah knows what's within our hearts, he knows if anything that we do is solely in His cause or otherwise.

    It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu'minin, Abu Hafs 'Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, say: "Actions are (judged) by motives (niat), so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated."

    If we change for Allah, then it is Allah we've changed for. If we change for any other worldly things/women, then it is for that reason we'll change. When we change for the sake of Allah, it will be eternal, insya Allah. For any other reasons, our change shall be short-lived/temporary.

    A simple example an ustaz once gave to illustrate this hadith:

    A man wishes to marry a beautiful woman, but she will only marry a man who prays, fasts, attend the mosque, etc. Upon knowing about this, the man starts to pray and comes to the mosque. The woman then realises this change and then decides to marry the man.

    Now the man has achieved his initial motive, that is to marry the beautiful woman. Because he has achieved his motive, subconciously, his acts of prayers, coming to the mosque, etc, becomes no longer valid and he eventually becomes the initial person that he was prior to his marriage.

    His niat was faulty, and not for the sake of Allah. Hence the short-lived and temporary change.

    Niat is in the heart. This hearts of ours, always goes back and forth, it is His way of testing us. Hence the importance of us always refreshing it. It may start pure, but then just as the next second ticks, it becomes otherwise. But we can still change it back by refreshing it. We need to check our niat every time because it changes everytime.

    It's a battle both you and I have to struggle against. It's no different on my part. May Allah guide us always.

    "To find love, we need to first love Allah." Hmmm, I don't quite like how that statement rolls out. Hehe but I don't think what I got from that statement is what you really meant. Tapi kalau according to that statement, it's as if loving Allah has become a criterion for us to find a spouse. Why we love Allah is solely for no other reason than to... love Allah.

    We love Allah to love Allah.

    May my niat always be for His sake insya Allah, amin. I am delivering this reminder for myself first, only then it is for you and then for everyone else. Reminders are merely reminders, no other intentions other than to please Allah Ta'ala.

    Anything that you can benefit from that, comes from Allah, else, all faults come from my lack of knowlege and hikmah.

    Wassalam. Insya Allah, ikhlas, from you know who ;) insya Allah
