Saturday, 30 May 2009

Fresh Start

Assalamualaikum readers.

First of all saya apologize for the lack of activity on the blog. Im sure not many people read, but I appreciate those who do. Reason for not updating, first I had my last exam yesterday which I didnt really study for but it was still something on my mind. Second is ive been watching this documentary. A mind blowing one. Ill get to that bit later though.

One point I got out of it though is that life is full of choices. We have been blessed by Allah with the ability to make these choices in our everyday life. The dissapointing thing is so many times we make the wrong choices. Its hard to accept this though as most of us has been brought up with a firm belief in what success is. It is a very common Bruneian culture to persuade children that education comes first. This of course is very true. But we need to do this while completing our main priority. The first and most important out of all priorities we have and that is to complete our obligations as an Islam. This of course comes first with the five pillars of Islam and the second pillar is prayers. These are not labelled 1-5 just randomly. Prayers always come first on top of all other daily routines. Prayers should be the top of list of our daily routines.

Now where is this coming from all of a sudden? I have always been reluctant to give any advice or try and preach when I blog. Or talk to people for that matter. I have never seen myself as having the right to tell people what to do. But you see, what I have realised is I am not telling people what to do. I am only giving advice. I want to stress this most importantly. We all have obligations towards Islam but it never hurts to have gentle reminders once in a while. We have been blessed with the Al-Quran and Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW as a guideline to live our lives. It is important we embrace these as part of our daily lives. Even if you cannot do these completely, we have all been given the freedom of choice. Its all in the baby steps. Nobody can expect you to go from a person who does little to someone who does alot and it would be unfair if you were expected to.

The main point. Sincerity. Ikhlas. Do what you can to the utmost of your capabilities as long as you are ikhlas in what you are doing.

Now I hope people do not think I am being full of myself for typing all this. It is all just a gentle reminder. This is also the way I will start blogging from now on. Since this time I choose to do what I have been told to do in the Al-Quran and that is to spread the word of Islam. These are hard times but our freedom of choice is still ours.

For those of you who need a little more kick watch this documentary by the wakeup project

Some of you may have already heard of this. The documentary is called the arrivals. I want to stress that this is all just the documentary punya pembuat punya opinion. There is no message of going against any word of islam, i have watched all the way to the last 4 episodes.

Ok atu saja kali for now. Forgive me if I have in any way offended you. Please take everything with an open mind.

Bah atu saja.


Monday, 25 May 2009

Kepada pilots yang kan main lufbru

aku register sudah kamu. Tapi i dont know siapa saja kan main. kamu baca kah blog ani jua? well u have to let me know. siapa yang baca, tanya2 kan so I know whose names to put down. I think pilots dapat main anyway, aku kana gitau probably dapat. So let me know. yo

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Star Trek

My dearest readers

Tadi for the second time in my 2 years in Canterbury, I went to go see a movie at the Odeon. Selalunya aku malas wah pasal its expensive, its jauh and I would much rather wait for the movie file to come out online. Tapi kan, I forgot how awesome it is watching a movie in the cinema. Siuk jua with the completely pimped out sound system and the huge screen with the comfy chairs. I guess you cant really compare it with the awesomeness of laying down on your bed and watching something on the pc, but its a good change.

So anyway, I watched Star Trek. Im not a fan of the series and I never will be. To be honest I think its the lamest thing on TV :P Im not a fan of Star Wars and Enterprise either. All of it is kinda lame. But the movie, I have to say, is very awesome. The characters have that very same feel as the originals, or at least from the commercials I use to see on TV. They even look the same. I think the movie has been very well made. It being the prequel to everything jua makes you feel like you are not missing out anything by not watching the 17 seasons of Star Trek. Quite amazing. Eye candy wise.... the girl in it is lawa but not super lawa.

Ohh props to Simon Pegg. Dawn of the dead, Hot fuzz, Run Fatboy Run. He is very funny. "Beam me up Scotty"

Well anyway, from awesome to not so awesome. How I met your mother season 4 finale hari ani. It sucks. Season 3 and 4 has been the most dissapointing seasons of TV I have ever watched. The only thing that would make it worse is if I had to sit through commercials while watching it. Ted has gotten annoying. I mean, kajap he finds out he is an ass so he tries to better himself so when he meets the mum.. he isnt at ass. Tapi rasa ku... sama jua masih si Ted ani. Barneys catch phrases arent catchy or smart anymore. Marshall is lame. Apakan... jumping across the buildings ani. Lame~ Robyn and Lilly getting pregnant in real life I guess kinda spoilt everything jua. haha. Ohhh well. If season 5 isnt tons better in the first couple of episodes im going to stop watching. At least the story line has finally progressed a little.

For something way better. Big Bang Theory is a masterpiece.

Finally. Live long and prosper. And to do that, be doa lah kepada Allah.


Monday, 18 May 2009

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Blogging Time Exam

Its been a while mainly because it is exam period for those of us who arent working and are still in university. I cant think of any time I dread more than exams besides the time i sit down on my laptop chair thinking about what to blog about. And since it is the time where most students tend to procrastinate the most, I have been abusing that fact and have been blog hopping for a couple of days. The best suprise, tecari blog kawan ku who is super articulate and makes me ashamed to even have a blog. I can always use the 'I have exams' excuse if this post gets lame (my posts are always lame though)

Si Apiz baru balik ke Brunei last last week so I am the only person in UK now who was from my pilot batch. Its kinda depressing when I think about it, especially when I was digging through myself the other day and I found my Hi Visibility jacket I use to wear and also my Flight Log book. Actually come to think about it, there is one more thing I dread more than exam times. Time exam pilot. Gila atu baru tear jerking. Those were some of the toughest days I have ever lived but if I got through those then I dont see why I cant get through my last 2 exams.

So apa lagi ahhh. Nothing much really. You see only around 6 people read my blog. Hahaha. Good friends kamu ani ehhh. Taking 5 minutes of your precious time and waste it here. Tag board inda laku. I promise after exams ill post some cool stuff. Thorpe park and the beach beckons. Before I go, nah video youtube.

Ohh and if you dont watch Britains Got Talent, watch Jamie Pugh.


Sunday, 10 May 2009


Vagabond where the opening act for james morrison masa concert nya. been following them a little.

exams are on tuesday :O

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Bila Disini

A proper post soon. Just wanted to share another video

Monday, 4 May 2009

Recognize awesome - Puma Ad yang cam baie

I apologize for the lack of updates. I usually have a new post page open but I can never find anything to write about, that or im just lazy. I have been procastinating a lot lately, finding the smallest of things to do just so I dont have to sit down and open my books. I do find that I am not as stressed as I was last year though, possibly because I actually went into most of my classes this time round. Palui pulang masih ni, exams being in a week and alum blajar. But let me share my strategy with you, MAIN TARGET. I know it may seen like a dumb move, tapi my course always seems to recycle the format of the exam every year. They will always have the same 'pick 2 out of the 4 questions' and dont reuse any material you use for one question in the other. And the questions atu for the past 3 years at least, is always pasal the same topics. So its like begging me to main TARGET.

And I dont really see any problem in using this strategy. Its not like when im working im going to be put down on the spot, given a question and telling them everything I know about said question. Even if I do become a Barrister, I will have tons of time to prepare for a case and even that will be main target :P Its not like I have to memorize every fact of Criminal law to argue in one case, or every fact of European law if I was to argue in an EU case. I think the main point of exams is to put you under stress, and the person who can best deal with the stress will be the winner in the end. Even if that said person doesnt happen to get the highest mark in the end :P

But this just may be screwed up logic. I dont really know.

Last year at around this time, I blogged about become a better muslim. The very next day after I posted the post, ada comment that a good muslim doesnt date which I said I was going to do in the post. Of course, I took it that the comment'or was calling me a bad muslim. Ive been thinking about this for a couple of days now. Well a couple of weeks more like. And I think I finally sadar that in fact I have a long way to go. Even a simple piece of advice and my ego tarus went into full defense mode and then kan mentel mentel. If a simple comment can make my ego jadi basar, or my huge ego being hurt, then I am far from making myself be a better muslim. And this was one year ago, and baru baru kan sadar.

Its only lately I have been finding all the flaws in my life and realising most of my weaknesses. I dont really know if I have what it takes to better myself without having any help. As people, and especially me, its hard to notice our own flaws until we are pointed them out by someone else. Cana jua. Ego basar. Asal kan beibadat, kan mencari praise of some sort from anyone. Hancur ehh.

So basically, yang ku cakap ani, is nothing really. Just because aku sadar doesnt mean I can do much about it. I guess we just take steps in order to prevent it from getting worse and hopefully insyallah we will be given the strenght to better ourselves one day.