Sunday 26 July 2009

Assalamualaikum to all my pembaca-ers

A recent tag has gotten me thinking. I think I am overly sensitive with the way I look and how this makes me come across to other people. When you openly admit you feel insecure over a certain attribute of yourself, you leave openings for people to come and make fun of you. Its all in good fun of course, mana siok kalau orang ani overly sensitive that they cant even take a joke kan. But I think the way I act around people has left me open in too many places. Ada tia jokes about tingginess, lampuhness, bulatness, past girlfriends, recent prospects tapi inda menjadi (this was months ago for those of you wondering)and tons and tons of diffrent things. Pokoknya, I think out of every single one of my groups of friends, and I have a couple, aku saja yang banyak kana make fun of ani. Im not complaining here even though it may sound like I am, this is just a realisation of how I act determines how other people treat me in return.

As a good muslim, you take everything that is directed at you and turn in into positive energy. Jangan marah, jangan balas balik and jangan merajuk. These are all negative things that doesnt bring any good to you as a person of a muslim. Ani yang I try my best to do everyday, even though the balas balik thing is something I probably lose out to the most. Tapi kan, if only I didnt go on and on about how short I am or how I need to lose weight, these kinds of things wouldnt be happening.

Allah created all of us and when we start complaining about height, weight and the like, it is like we are openly rejecting the gifts and blessings we have been granted by Allah. We are all special and all perfect in our own way and we have to realise this and be thankful.

And remember Allah always, not just when you are in times of need. Imagine you have a friend who only looks for you when they need something. Annoying berabis kan. Well its beribu juta times worse when we forget about Allah.

Haha beribu juta.

Ok atu saja. Assalamualaikum

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