I found this article really good. A nice reminder to all of us
Young people live for the day when they can move out of the house and go to college and finally be free. Freedom from their parents, from restrictions on their lifestyle, from everyone telling them what to do.
This is why in college you find a whole generation that does what they want. Life's short they say, let's enjoy ourselves while we can.
So it goes for Muslims. In college you find the most amazing things, Muslims who don't pray, Muslims who date , go out to parties and drink.
Why is this happening?
For one, when students go off to university they finally realize that what they believed in was blind. Religion becomes like a fairytale, when they got old enough, they knew better than to believe in it.
Most have little knowledge about Islam and have maybe memorized the right rituals to get by. Why believe something on faith, they ask. After all we cannot see heaven or hell. How do we know Islam is right anyway?
Islamic culture to them means marrying someone they never knew. It means arranged marriages and never hanging out or having fun.
For girls Islamic culture has even less to offer. It would mean double standards or having to serve a husband the rest of her life.
The western alternative to this looks alot more attractive.
In western culture "love and romance" are supposedly everywhere. Everyone is out looking for love freely. Meeting someone, going out, seeking pleasure sounds alot better.
But what about the downside? For love at first sight, you need to have the right image, the right hair, the right clothes.
Girls have to aspire to be like the latest supermodels, they have to hold back age. Who's going out with who, what are my friends thinking, what will happen if I don't get the right girl or guy, what is my girlfriend or boyfriend thinking, all become important.
Frustration, desperation, and unhappiness become the norm.
Imagine all the heartache youth would save if they followed the Islamic alternative.
In true Islam, unlike culture, there is no game playing. If two people wish to be involved they are both straight with one another.
Unlike what goes on today amongst some Muslims, they both meet each other and make a contract to marry. Women are treated with respect, there is no sexual bombardment like there is in western society. Sex in western culture is also often seen as a vice or a sin of the flesh. But even in religious Islam, sex is seen as natural. As long as it is in the right circumstances, when the two are committed to one another in marriage.
Drinking in college is also the norm unfortunately. If you don't drink or party you're seen as weird. Drinking is cool and a way for people to socialize, meet and have fun. The one who doesn't is less of a person and 'misses out'. Drinking and all the harms that come with it is cut off at the root in Islam. So many problems are avoided, accidents, pregnancy, violence and even rape for example.
In college and in the world, success in life is not seen in terms of religion. It is seen as what other people think, one's careers, how much money they make. If you are religious you must have failed at life. But why do we have this seperation? and this blindness in religion?
The Quran tells us again and again not to have blind faith, not to follow the religion of our forefathers.
Yet, we as Muslims have stopped thinking. We may think about what our friends or other people will say, but we avoid thinking about the real issues.
We spend so much time on the opposite sex, thinking about careers, money etc, but we forget to think about death and how much of this we will really be able to take with us?
"Every soul shall have a taste of death and only on the Day of Judgement shall you be paid your full recompense...for the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception"
(Quran 3:185)
Shouldn't we take the time to contemplate what will happen to us after we hit the grave? After all, what is the point of life if we are not accountable for our actions? If there is no creator, what is the point of being honest or good.
If we really look at our life we see that everything is indefinate, getting a job, even living until tomorrow. In fact we could die anytime, this is a definate, the _only_ dead certain thing in our life.
Most of us believe we can make up for our actions later or we can be religious later.
We are gambling.
The chances of our dying today are little, but the stakes are high. Allah reminds us of the importance of this,
"O you who believe, obey Allah as he should be obeyed, and die not except in a state of Islam" (Qu'ran 3:102)
Each of us needs to decide.
On the Day of Judgment it will be us alone who will be asked about our actions.
"Verily We have revealed the Book to thee in truth, for (instructing) mankind. He, then that receives guidance benefits his own soul: but he that strays injurs his own soul..."
(Quran 39:41)
This is the true definition of freedom. To learn about Islam and the world openly. To contemplate about life and death. And after learning the truth, obeying the word of God.
"Those on whom knowledge has been bestowed may learn that the (Quran) is the truth from your Lord, and that they believe therein, and their hearts may be made humbly (open)to it..."
(Quran 22:54)
Once students have this rock-solid intellectual belief in Islam, the corruptness and falseness of the people around them is clear. The beauty and wisdom of the islamic way, the best alternative is clear. What others do is of less importance. If others think they were weird to pray or weird to be honest, they would still pray and still be honest because they know their deen.
Our Quran's are left on the top shelves, gathering dust. Sometimes the most it is read is when someone dies. How is this to help, when the guidance comes too late. The Quran is for the living. The path to understanding and following Islam comes from learning first.
How many of us are Muslim, yet have never read the Quran in our native language?
How many of us are Muslim, yet have yet to open a book on hadith or sunnah?
How many of us defend Islam to non-Muslims, but do not follow it ourselves?
May Allah forgive and lead us and all those lost to the straight path.
By Huma Ahmad
based on a talk by Abdul Wajid "Born to be Brown", UK
Monday, 28 December 2009
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Assalamualaikum warrahmattullahi wabarrahkattuh
I promise to start updating soon. Its been killer with all these assignments flying in from every direction. Kan main game lagi cana. Ive been taking 3rd year abit more seriously than the previous 2. Inda skip class, doing my reading, blajar, buat essays, main game sedikit saja, so its been a tough 2 months. Application bar lagi kan di pikirkan.
Well im going back to brunei next next monday 14 dec.
Instead to make up for the lack of posts and boringness and lameness of this blog...
Id watch it if i were u. hahahahaha. apologies for the language. Its all for the memories.
Ok then. Salam
I promise to start updating soon. Its been killer with all these assignments flying in from every direction. Kan main game lagi cana. Ive been taking 3rd year abit more seriously than the previous 2. Inda skip class, doing my reading, blajar, buat essays, main game sedikit saja, so its been a tough 2 months. Application bar lagi kan di pikirkan.
Well im going back to brunei next next monday 14 dec.
Instead to make up for the lack of posts and boringness and lameness of this blog...
Id watch it if i were u. hahahahaha. apologies for the language. Its all for the memories.
Ok then. Salam
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Im a mac
A couple of days after my last post, my pc died. For some reason the screen didnt want to turn on. So I sent it to curries to get it fixed. Up to 29 days for me to get the laptop back. Gila! Kan buat kraja uni cana. So I weighed my options and finally decided to go for what countless other people have already discovered. Bali Mac. Love Mac. I went to London a couple of days later for the 15% discount. In kent 6% saja. I left London with a brand new 13 inch 2.26 Ghz Macbook Pro. 15 inch was 450 pounds more expensive unfortunately. I got home and carefully opened the plastic bag it was in. I know that sounds ridiculous, carefully opening a plastic bag. But apples plastic bags are more like bags which u bring ur football boots around in. Lawa lah. On my lap was the sleek looking box. Aku buka carefully. Inside the box ada laptop, charger, a piece of paper and a CD. Compared to all PC's, it was simple and a joy to buka. Mac had me before it even had a chance to say hello, which it did when i turned it on for the first time.
So pokoknya, bali mac. When ur pc is failing u, bali mac. My newest pc, yang baru baru rosak, after countless hours researching the best laptop to buy and finally deciding on a HP, it only lasted me 10 MONTHS!!!
I picked it up from curries yesterday. Turned it on. Macam aku balum lagi antar ke kadai wah. Exactly the same problem, inda mau on. You wonder bahapa dorang with my laptop for 2 weeks, pakai as a stand for their MACS kali.
The only thing im not puas hati with dengan mac is nada SOPCAST. Inda dapat stream football. There is a way, but all the crossover applications and install this and that makes me not want to bother.
Ok abis tia my explanation for not updating even though i promised too. Expect normal service to return soon, kalau aku inda malas. While kamu menunggu, why dont u watch this.
Assalamualaikum warrahmattullahi wabarahkattuh
So pokoknya, bali mac. When ur pc is failing u, bali mac. My newest pc, yang baru baru rosak, after countless hours researching the best laptop to buy and finally deciding on a HP, it only lasted me 10 MONTHS!!!
I picked it up from curries yesterday. Turned it on. Macam aku balum lagi antar ke kadai wah. Exactly the same problem, inda mau on. You wonder bahapa dorang with my laptop for 2 weeks, pakai as a stand for their MACS kali.
The only thing im not puas hati with dengan mac is nada SOPCAST. Inda dapat stream football. There is a way, but all the crossover applications and install this and that makes me not want to bother.
Ok abis tia my explanation for not updating even though i promised too. Expect normal service to return soon, kalau aku inda malas. While kamu menunggu, why dont u watch this.
Assalamualaikum warrahmattullahi wabarahkattuh
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Hi guys. Its been close to 2 months now since i last updated tapi ive had good reason. First month was bulan Ramadhan and I never really found time to be able to update my blog. And its not like I had alot to talk about anyway. My whole holiday in Brunei, again, was very uneventful just like last year. And I got back ke canterbury a couple of weeks ago, missing the first week of lectures so I have had lots of catching up to do. Ive decided to take things seriously this year, and I know I say that almost all the time tapi kali ani banar aku inda eksen.
To those who care, a couple of days ago was my last day as vice president of MBSOC. Malaysian Bruneain Society. Sayangnya this year macam inda brapa laku. 1st years just dont seem intrested. But since I havce an emotional connection to the society, as I have it to thank for many good memories for the past 2 years, ive decided to help out in a lesser role. Ehseh, si tahi aku ani eh.
Personal life, well as I said previously, sibuk ku with work and I havent had internet. Internet ani pun ku curi dari bruneian neighbours yang baik berabis. I guess work should come first masa ani anyway. Well second to football. I have class tomorrow tapi inda buat kraja pasal the champions league show is on.
Bah expect more normal updates soon. Ive been reading this book which has inspired me to take my faith to another level. Well try anyway. Insyallah.
Ok then. Thanks to those who have tagged, sorry nada bereply. Much appreciated nonetheless.
Hi guys. Its been close to 2 months now since i last updated tapi ive had good reason. First month was bulan Ramadhan and I never really found time to be able to update my blog. And its not like I had alot to talk about anyway. My whole holiday in Brunei, again, was very uneventful just like last year. And I got back ke canterbury a couple of weeks ago, missing the first week of lectures so I have had lots of catching up to do. Ive decided to take things seriously this year, and I know I say that almost all the time tapi kali ani banar aku inda eksen.
To those who care, a couple of days ago was my last day as vice president of MBSOC. Malaysian Bruneain Society. Sayangnya this year macam inda brapa laku. 1st years just dont seem intrested. But since I havce an emotional connection to the society, as I have it to thank for many good memories for the past 2 years, ive decided to help out in a lesser role. Ehseh, si tahi aku ani eh.
Personal life, well as I said previously, sibuk ku with work and I havent had internet. Internet ani pun ku curi dari bruneian neighbours yang baik berabis. I guess work should come first masa ani anyway. Well second to football. I have class tomorrow tapi inda buat kraja pasal the champions league show is on.
Bah expect more normal updates soon. Ive been reading this book which has inspired me to take my faith to another level. Well try anyway. Insyallah.
Ok then. Thanks to those who have tagged, sorry nada bereply. Much appreciated nonetheless.
Monday, 24 August 2009
First of all a very happy Ramadhan to everyone. Hopefully we all have a very good fasting month and may many blessings be rewarded to us all. Amin
Second, apologies for not updating for a while. I have been very lazy. But good news is, ive decided my next post will be about love for someone for the sake of Allah. At first I pretty much thought I knew what this was, but when I really thought about it I realised I didnt really have a clue. So I had to ask around and read some stuff about it and I think I have finally grasped what loving someone for the sake of Allah means.
Surat al-An'am, 162. "Say: 'My prayer and my rites, my living and my dying, are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds." This ayah states that everything we do is for Allah. Kind of self explanatory but we cannot take this for granted. Everything we do is for Allah. So everything we do, from what we eat and drink, what we say, what we think, the relationships we make, everything should be done with Allah in mind. So here we realise that we cannot love anything or anyone more than we love Allah. This is in fact plain and simple. Love for people or love for objects, these things were all created by Allah then why should the love we feel for those things be measured up to our love for Allah.
So first thing we need to establish in our lives is that there is no greater love than our love for Allah. This isnt hard. All we have to do is look around and realised everything we have been blessed with is a gift from Allah. Bonds of family and friendship are all gifts from Allah. Everything is a gift from Allah that I dont even need to write these things down, if you can think of anything which you love, this is a gift from Allah.
But what is loving someone else for the sake of Allah?
When you see something beautiful, a nice painting for example. You dont praise the painting for looking amazing, you praise the artist for an excellent job the artist did. Now the larger picture. You see where im going? Siapa siapa saja hot kah, lawa berabis kah, they dont deserve the praise. But this is a shallow way of looking at things. What really matters in life is not for these worldly pleasures, but it is for our efforts for the afterlife. So what we should really love a person for is for their Iman, their good deeds and everything they do for Allah.
This didnt make much sense to me at first but later I came to realise that we may think we love someone for how they look or maybe even shallower, how much money they earn, the car they drive etc etc, but I dont think there is anyone who actually thinks that this love will last. This love is temporary and is a trick from Syaitan to make us forget about Allah. When we love someone it should be for the sake of Allah, which means we follow the guidelines set upon us by the Al-Quran and do not commit any sins when persue-ing it. I guess this also applies to loving a girl/guy outside of marriage. We shouldnt look for someone, whether we look for looks or whatever and love that person because we think we can make a good life with that person. We should love someone because we think we can do what we can for the afterlife with that person, loving that person solely for the sake of Allah.
Inda romantic? Inda passionate? These worldly pleasures shouldnt worry us. All we should worry about is making sure we are ready for the next life. This isnt a single job either as we need someone to help us through this journey and this is where our significant other comes into the picture. Love for him or her for the sake of Allah, love for Allah will be the greatest love we will ever feel and lets pray we will be blessed by Allah and may our lives be easy.
Im not sure if I made much sense. I kinda hurried the last bit because football is on. Hahaha.
Ok Assalamualaikum
First of all a very happy Ramadhan to everyone. Hopefully we all have a very good fasting month and may many blessings be rewarded to us all. Amin
Second, apologies for not updating for a while. I have been very lazy. But good news is, ive decided my next post will be about love for someone for the sake of Allah. At first I pretty much thought I knew what this was, but when I really thought about it I realised I didnt really have a clue. So I had to ask around and read some stuff about it and I think I have finally grasped what loving someone for the sake of Allah means.
Surat al-An'am, 162. "Say: 'My prayer and my rites, my living and my dying, are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds." This ayah states that everything we do is for Allah. Kind of self explanatory but we cannot take this for granted. Everything we do is for Allah. So everything we do, from what we eat and drink, what we say, what we think, the relationships we make, everything should be done with Allah in mind. So here we realise that we cannot love anything or anyone more than we love Allah. This is in fact plain and simple. Love for people or love for objects, these things were all created by Allah then why should the love we feel for those things be measured up to our love for Allah.
So first thing we need to establish in our lives is that there is no greater love than our love for Allah. This isnt hard. All we have to do is look around and realised everything we have been blessed with is a gift from Allah. Bonds of family and friendship are all gifts from Allah. Everything is a gift from Allah that I dont even need to write these things down, if you can think of anything which you love, this is a gift from Allah.
But what is loving someone else for the sake of Allah?
When you see something beautiful, a nice painting for example. You dont praise the painting for looking amazing, you praise the artist for an excellent job the artist did. Now the larger picture. You see where im going? Siapa siapa saja hot kah, lawa berabis kah, they dont deserve the praise. But this is a shallow way of looking at things. What really matters in life is not for these worldly pleasures, but it is for our efforts for the afterlife. So what we should really love a person for is for their Iman, their good deeds and everything they do for Allah.
This didnt make much sense to me at first but later I came to realise that we may think we love someone for how they look or maybe even shallower, how much money they earn, the car they drive etc etc, but I dont think there is anyone who actually thinks that this love will last. This love is temporary and is a trick from Syaitan to make us forget about Allah. When we love someone it should be for the sake of Allah, which means we follow the guidelines set upon us by the Al-Quran and do not commit any sins when persue-ing it. I guess this also applies to loving a girl/guy outside of marriage. We shouldnt look for someone, whether we look for looks or whatever and love that person because we think we can make a good life with that person. We should love someone because we think we can do what we can for the afterlife with that person, loving that person solely for the sake of Allah.
Inda romantic? Inda passionate? These worldly pleasures shouldnt worry us. All we should worry about is making sure we are ready for the next life. This isnt a single job either as we need someone to help us through this journey and this is where our significant other comes into the picture. Love for him or her for the sake of Allah, love for Allah will be the greatest love we will ever feel and lets pray we will be blessed by Allah and may our lives be easy.
Im not sure if I made much sense. I kinda hurried the last bit because football is on. Hahaha.
Ok Assalamualaikum
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Do you believe in Allah? Its a simple question which most of you will instantaneously say yes. In fact any other answer other than yes probably means you lead a very pointless life. But for all of us that did say yes, it is time for question number 2. Since you believe in Allah, why do you think it is so hard to do what we have been instructed to do in the holy Al-Quran. To fulfill our duties and to leave what we have been forbidden to do.
These are 2 very simple questions we can ask ourselves when reflecting on life. To be a proper muslim, we need to fulfill the 5 requirements, Rukun Islam. Number 1, the most important one is mengucap dua kalimah syahadat. Professing ones belief in the oneness of Allah and that Nabi Muhammad SAW is Allahs messenger. It is a simple place to start when asking yourself what kind of person you have become and how you are going to improve yourself from now on. Its simple to ask, but merely saying the syahadat is not enough. You have to believe with all your heart in the words you are saying not just because you are suppose to, but because you know that Allah is our creator and our purpose is to serve Allah.
Still sounding easy though? Bagus Allhamdullilah. Then there is no reason why we cannot complete the tasks we have been given and to leave all which is forbidden. Sembahyang, Puasa, membaca Al-Quran, Beribadat, Zakat, menutup aurat, makan makanan halal, no alcohol, no dating, no mingling between men and women, inda mengumpat...
Why is it so hard to do these things? Kami malas kah? We think we still have tons of time to insaf. We think that its ok as long as kami percayakan kepada Allah. Only Allah knows why we do the things we do and only Allah knows how long we have to insaf over the sins we have committed. Everyday is a challenge. Even the most holiest of us have bad days and only one small sin can be the start to the rosak-ing of our iman, our faith. That is why we need to better ourselves everyday in order to prevent this from happening.
Payah pulang and you may read this and think, esok saja. Or I may be totally in the wrong, trying to feed my ego by preaching to you all when I myself am far from being half decent. Only Allah knows and all we can do is try and do what we think is right while always asking Allah for forgiveness for any sin we have committed, knowingly or not. So think not badly of me for sharing my opinions and I apologize kalau ada salah yang im trying to say ani.
Ok atu saja kali dulu. Assalamualaikum
Do you believe in Allah? Its a simple question which most of you will instantaneously say yes. In fact any other answer other than yes probably means you lead a very pointless life. But for all of us that did say yes, it is time for question number 2. Since you believe in Allah, why do you think it is so hard to do what we have been instructed to do in the holy Al-Quran. To fulfill our duties and to leave what we have been forbidden to do.
These are 2 very simple questions we can ask ourselves when reflecting on life. To be a proper muslim, we need to fulfill the 5 requirements, Rukun Islam. Number 1, the most important one is mengucap dua kalimah syahadat. Professing ones belief in the oneness of Allah and that Nabi Muhammad SAW is Allahs messenger. It is a simple place to start when asking yourself what kind of person you have become and how you are going to improve yourself from now on. Its simple to ask, but merely saying the syahadat is not enough. You have to believe with all your heart in the words you are saying not just because you are suppose to, but because you know that Allah is our creator and our purpose is to serve Allah.
Still sounding easy though? Bagus Allhamdullilah. Then there is no reason why we cannot complete the tasks we have been given and to leave all which is forbidden. Sembahyang, Puasa, membaca Al-Quran, Beribadat, Zakat, menutup aurat, makan makanan halal, no alcohol, no dating, no mingling between men and women, inda mengumpat...
Why is it so hard to do these things? Kami malas kah? We think we still have tons of time to insaf. We think that its ok as long as kami percayakan kepada Allah. Only Allah knows why we do the things we do and only Allah knows how long we have to insaf over the sins we have committed. Everyday is a challenge. Even the most holiest of us have bad days and only one small sin can be the start to the rosak-ing of our iman, our faith. That is why we need to better ourselves everyday in order to prevent this from happening.
Payah pulang and you may read this and think, esok saja. Or I may be totally in the wrong, trying to feed my ego by preaching to you all when I myself am far from being half decent. Only Allah knows and all we can do is try and do what we think is right while always asking Allah for forgiveness for any sin we have committed, knowingly or not. So think not badly of me for sharing my opinions and I apologize kalau ada salah yang im trying to say ani.
Ok atu saja kali dulu. Assalamualaikum
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
I love August
Reason being is there are so many birthdays of people I know this month. Also my birthday is in August. But enough about birthdays, its just another day anyway. More importantly, Ramadhan is coming soon and hopefully all of you are ready for another month of fasting and sembahyang terawih. Ive always enjoyed ramadhan, especially the days when I dont have to go to work and I can just chillax at home. Its kinda just like every other day I spend at home when im not working, tapi being ramadhan, its extra special.
Ive been thinking lately about mencari bini2. I think its almost impossible. Not that I have been trying though. Its more like, I dont know how to cari while still trying to strengthen Iman. I know it just takes one act and it can destroy everything you try so hard to improve upon. Making mistakes once and then asking Allah for forgiveness is fine, thats why it is called a mistake. But doing it balik balik and your taubat just seems pointless. A sincere taubat is also a promise that we will not redo the same sin from which we are seeking forgiveness from. This is one reason why I plan on not dating, not main2-ing with girls and going on pointless dates. To find someone to love in the name of Allah is a huge challenge. And being able to put aside all the doubts and fears you have, to be going almost blindly into a relationship and a marriage, this is where faith really comes into play. To believe fully that Allah would not set things up this way without there being a reason. Who are we to say the old ways of cari bini and cari lelaki are inferior to the courting rituals masa ani.
I dont know really. Payah wah banarnya to be able to promise yourself to a person and also fully accepting that person into your life, and vice versa. It seems like an impossible task. I guess thats why we need to keep the faith. That there is a plan for all of us and we just need to chillax a little. Stop rushing life and giving into our urges and temptations. Insyallah we will all find the person we are meant to share our lives with. Amin
Ive been thinking lately about mencari bini2. I think its almost impossible. Not that I have been trying though. Its more like, I dont know how to cari while still trying to strengthen Iman. I know it just takes one act and it can destroy everything you try so hard to improve upon. Making mistakes once and then asking Allah for forgiveness is fine, thats why it is called a mistake. But doing it balik balik and your taubat just seems pointless. A sincere taubat is also a promise that we will not redo the same sin from which we are seeking forgiveness from. This is one reason why I plan on not dating, not main2-ing with girls and going on pointless dates. To find someone to love in the name of Allah is a huge challenge. And being able to put aside all the doubts and fears you have, to be going almost blindly into a relationship and a marriage, this is where faith really comes into play. To believe fully that Allah would not set things up this way without there being a reason. Who are we to say the old ways of cari bini and cari lelaki are inferior to the courting rituals masa ani.
I dont know really. Payah wah banarnya to be able to promise yourself to a person and also fully accepting that person into your life, and vice versa. It seems like an impossible task. I guess thats why we need to keep the faith. That there is a plan for all of us and we just need to chillax a little. Stop rushing life and giving into our urges and temptations. Insyallah we will all find the person we are meant to share our lives with. Amin
Friday, 31 July 2009
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Assalamualaikum to all my pembaca-ers
A recent tag has gotten me thinking. I think I am overly sensitive with the way I look and how this makes me come across to other people. When you openly admit you feel insecure over a certain attribute of yourself, you leave openings for people to come and make fun of you. Its all in good fun of course, mana siok kalau orang ani overly sensitive that they cant even take a joke kan. But I think the way I act around people has left me open in too many places. Ada tia jokes about tingginess, lampuhness, bulatness, past girlfriends, recent prospects tapi inda menjadi (this was months ago for those of you wondering)and tons and tons of diffrent things. Pokoknya, I think out of every single one of my groups of friends, and I have a couple, aku saja yang banyak kana make fun of ani. Im not complaining here even though it may sound like I am, this is just a realisation of how I act determines how other people treat me in return.
As a good muslim, you take everything that is directed at you and turn in into positive energy. Jangan marah, jangan balas balik and jangan merajuk. These are all negative things that doesnt bring any good to you as a person of a muslim. Ani yang I try my best to do everyday, even though the balas balik thing is something I probably lose out to the most. Tapi kan, if only I didnt go on and on about how short I am or how I need to lose weight, these kinds of things wouldnt be happening.
Allah created all of us and when we start complaining about height, weight and the like, it is like we are openly rejecting the gifts and blessings we have been granted by Allah. We are all special and all perfect in our own way and we have to realise this and be thankful.
And remember Allah always, not just when you are in times of need. Imagine you have a friend who only looks for you when they need something. Annoying berabis kan. Well its beribu juta times worse when we forget about Allah.
Haha beribu juta.
Ok atu saja. Assalamualaikum
A recent tag has gotten me thinking. I think I am overly sensitive with the way I look and how this makes me come across to other people. When you openly admit you feel insecure over a certain attribute of yourself, you leave openings for people to come and make fun of you. Its all in good fun of course, mana siok kalau orang ani overly sensitive that they cant even take a joke kan. But I think the way I act around people has left me open in too many places. Ada tia jokes about tingginess, lampuhness, bulatness, past girlfriends, recent prospects tapi inda menjadi (this was months ago for those of you wondering)and tons and tons of diffrent things. Pokoknya, I think out of every single one of my groups of friends, and I have a couple, aku saja yang banyak kana make fun of ani. Im not complaining here even though it may sound like I am, this is just a realisation of how I act determines how other people treat me in return.
As a good muslim, you take everything that is directed at you and turn in into positive energy. Jangan marah, jangan balas balik and jangan merajuk. These are all negative things that doesnt bring any good to you as a person of a muslim. Ani yang I try my best to do everyday, even though the balas balik thing is something I probably lose out to the most. Tapi kan, if only I didnt go on and on about how short I am or how I need to lose weight, these kinds of things wouldnt be happening.
Allah created all of us and when we start complaining about height, weight and the like, it is like we are openly rejecting the gifts and blessings we have been granted by Allah. We are all special and all perfect in our own way and we have to realise this and be thankful.
And remember Allah always, not just when you are in times of need. Imagine you have a friend who only looks for you when they need something. Annoying berabis kan. Well its beribu juta times worse when we forget about Allah.
Haha beribu juta.
Ok atu saja. Assalamualaikum
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
So playing monster hunter almost the whole day kinda makes you feel useless after a while. I know its awesome and stuff, killing monsters, but i need to find other things which I can do while playing PSP so as to seem im not completely wasting my time. This ranges from jogging up and down the 19 stairs I have in my house, its a good way to stretch the muscles and keep oxygen pumping through my body. This though is kinda difficult when I am super concentrating on the game. I might miss a step and gugur. So I need to keep it fresh, keep the brain thinking and finding other things to do. Walking around in circles. Walking in the garden for fresh air. Tapi the best thing I have found in sitting down on my comfy chair in front of my laptop and let my shows play while im main game. Its not that difficult to watch something while playing game. I may not catch some key moments in whatever im watching but I get the gist of it. So far in the 2 weeks I have been back, 63 hours of Monster Hunter and 3 seasons of Burn Notice, WWE PPV yang latest, Chun Li the movie, Watchmen, Final Fantasy Advent Children and some other random things I have downloaded tapi inda pernah liat. So all in all, its been a good 2 weeks.
The most eye catching and attention grabbing movie I have watched though has to be Syurga Cinta. A malaysian movie about soulmates. It is much so in my top love movies ever. I dont know why these movies get to me though. Well I do know tapi im not saying because itll make me sound even more like a chump. Well anyway, Syurga Cinta is awesome. Some of the acting may be a little bit off, especially the opening 5 minutes when the main actor is talking English, baru balik dari UK and kan clubbing tarus. Something about the Malaysian accent which catches my funny bone. But the story line, predicatable tapi top notch. A religious love movie. I love it.
There was this one part, about soul mates. There are 3 types of 'jodohs'. 1 is jodoh dari Iblis. This is when we think we have found the one tapi its just the devils trick to make us fornicate and mess around with, sin lah basically. 2 is jodoh dari Jin. This is when one person is so obsessed with one person but the other person isnt, so black magic is used. The 3rd one is jodoh dari Allah. I forgot the speech that came with it tapi the title of the film was mentioned. It was awesome.
And I learned one thing from the movie. Even though getting married is what I think the next step in my life is, its going to happen when its going to happen. There is no point in obsessing over it and there is no point in looking too hard. I just firmly believe that I know what im looking for and insyallah I will have my eyes open when the opportunity arises. And hopefully I will be able to pursue that opportunity whilst being a good muslim. Insyallah.
Ok atu saja. kan pukul 2 sudah. Good night
So playing monster hunter almost the whole day kinda makes you feel useless after a while. I know its awesome and stuff, killing monsters, but i need to find other things which I can do while playing PSP so as to seem im not completely wasting my time. This ranges from jogging up and down the 19 stairs I have in my house, its a good way to stretch the muscles and keep oxygen pumping through my body. This though is kinda difficult when I am super concentrating on the game. I might miss a step and gugur. So I need to keep it fresh, keep the brain thinking and finding other things to do. Walking around in circles. Walking in the garden for fresh air. Tapi the best thing I have found in sitting down on my comfy chair in front of my laptop and let my shows play while im main game. Its not that difficult to watch something while playing game. I may not catch some key moments in whatever im watching but I get the gist of it. So far in the 2 weeks I have been back, 63 hours of Monster Hunter and 3 seasons of Burn Notice, WWE PPV yang latest, Chun Li the movie, Watchmen, Final Fantasy Advent Children and some other random things I have downloaded tapi inda pernah liat. So all in all, its been a good 2 weeks.
The most eye catching and attention grabbing movie I have watched though has to be Syurga Cinta. A malaysian movie about soulmates. It is much so in my top love movies ever. I dont know why these movies get to me though. Well I do know tapi im not saying because itll make me sound even more like a chump. Well anyway, Syurga Cinta is awesome. Some of the acting may be a little bit off, especially the opening 5 minutes when the main actor is talking English, baru balik dari UK and kan clubbing tarus. Something about the Malaysian accent which catches my funny bone. But the story line, predicatable tapi top notch. A religious love movie. I love it.
There was this one part, about soul mates. There are 3 types of 'jodohs'. 1 is jodoh dari Iblis. This is when we think we have found the one tapi its just the devils trick to make us fornicate and mess around with, sin lah basically. 2 is jodoh dari Jin. This is when one person is so obsessed with one person but the other person isnt, so black magic is used. The 3rd one is jodoh dari Allah. I forgot the speech that came with it tapi the title of the film was mentioned. It was awesome.
And I learned one thing from the movie. Even though getting married is what I think the next step in my life is, its going to happen when its going to happen. There is no point in obsessing over it and there is no point in looking too hard. I just firmly believe that I know what im looking for and insyallah I will have my eyes open when the opportunity arises. And hopefully I will be able to pursue that opportunity whilst being a good muslim. Insyallah.
Ok atu saja. kan pukul 2 sudah. Good night
Monday, 20 July 2009
My psp broke. Its actually my brothers psp. I have spent the whole day wondering around the house wondering what to do with myself. Its very depressing when I have the whole world just outside my door but instead I spend time sulking indoors. On the other hand though, playing monster hunter takes me into a whole diffrent world where I kill monsters. AHHHH IM ADDICTED!
Tomorrow I have been back in Brunei for exactly 2 weeks. Its been good. I have been going out while fitting in tons of time main game di rumah. Meeting up with old friends, main bola 2 kali, bukit shahbandar sekali, makan luar sama family. This is why I love being back home. There is just something very diffrent living in a foreign country and I dont think I could ever do it permanently. Something about being back home with family, having the freedom to roam around without having to take the bus and also paying 2 pounds for a daily bus pass. 5.50 ringgit tu bui. 7 hari, 38.50 ringgit. Kalau pakai kereta moderately inda sampai 20 ringgit seminggu. Well thats for me anyway. Ive been driving around for 2 weeks and 1 tank alum lagi abis. Suka ku Brunei ani ehh.
On my travels being out and about I have had a couple of deep conversations and learning how some of my more distant friends are now living their lives. Its depressing. The way some people live their lives so carefree, forgetting everything including religion. The way the simple things in life are taken for granted. The freedom we have in Brunei. The rezeki we have been blessed with. And this doesnt just come down to money food and drink. Most of us are lucky enough to be living very healthy lives.
While we enjoy these worldly pleasures, we forget about what we are actually meant to be doing with out lives. While we are busy going out chasing girls, kami lupakan sembahyang. While we are working our jobs kami lupakan sembahyang. Its not just lupakan sembahyang, every moment we take a breathe of air, that is another moment Allah has blessed us with life and we should be thankful by remembering Allah. Not only do we forget, we also do exactly what we have been told not to do. Get distracted by worldly pleasures. Im very much guilty of this as well, even though I hardly go out, main game is just as much a waste of time as spending hours in Gadong cari chicks. Instead of other things I could be doing which would actually benefit me spiritually, hunting monsters tepulang. I know this all to well and I understand just how hard it is to give up.
I guess this is the disadvantage we have of living in the modern world. We are surrounded by distractions. Understanding that religion doesnt change no matter how much the world advances is key. Just because people go out bedua-duaan (girl boy boy girl) doesnt mean we are now allowed to. Same goes for aurat. Same goes for everything. It is not now ok to do things just because the modern world suggests that it is ok. Religion is religion and Islam is Islam. What was Wajib and Haram in the past is still exactly the same now. The line between the two will never change no matter how much time passes. I guess this is the burden we have to live with while being thankful to Allah for making life easy for us. Make it harder to be a good muslim while being able to enjoy the joys of hunting virtual monsters.
It is all a test. We need to strive and better ourselves so we can call ourselves good muslims. We dont have forever. I can imagine that most of the people reading my blog are more or less the same age as I am. Cuba kamu imagine we are lucky enough to live until our 80s. That still gives us 60 years to repent for all the sins we have done. Kamu rasa cukup? It is never to late to change and ask for forgiveness from Allah, as long as we are still alive to do so.
Ok atu saja. Its 2am and im blabbing.
My psp broke. Its actually my brothers psp. I have spent the whole day wondering around the house wondering what to do with myself. Its very depressing when I have the whole world just outside my door but instead I spend time sulking indoors. On the other hand though, playing monster hunter takes me into a whole diffrent world where I kill monsters. AHHHH IM ADDICTED!
Tomorrow I have been back in Brunei for exactly 2 weeks. Its been good. I have been going out while fitting in tons of time main game di rumah. Meeting up with old friends, main bola 2 kali, bukit shahbandar sekali, makan luar sama family. This is why I love being back home. There is just something very diffrent living in a foreign country and I dont think I could ever do it permanently. Something about being back home with family, having the freedom to roam around without having to take the bus and also paying 2 pounds for a daily bus pass. 5.50 ringgit tu bui. 7 hari, 38.50 ringgit. Kalau pakai kereta moderately inda sampai 20 ringgit seminggu. Well thats for me anyway. Ive been driving around for 2 weeks and 1 tank alum lagi abis. Suka ku Brunei ani ehh.
On my travels being out and about I have had a couple of deep conversations and learning how some of my more distant friends are now living their lives. Its depressing. The way some people live their lives so carefree, forgetting everything including religion. The way the simple things in life are taken for granted. The freedom we have in Brunei. The rezeki we have been blessed with. And this doesnt just come down to money food and drink. Most of us are lucky enough to be living very healthy lives.
While we enjoy these worldly pleasures, we forget about what we are actually meant to be doing with out lives. While we are busy going out chasing girls, kami lupakan sembahyang. While we are working our jobs kami lupakan sembahyang. Its not just lupakan sembahyang, every moment we take a breathe of air, that is another moment Allah has blessed us with life and we should be thankful by remembering Allah. Not only do we forget, we also do exactly what we have been told not to do. Get distracted by worldly pleasures. Im very much guilty of this as well, even though I hardly go out, main game is just as much a waste of time as spending hours in Gadong cari chicks. Instead of other things I could be doing which would actually benefit me spiritually, hunting monsters tepulang. I know this all to well and I understand just how hard it is to give up.
I guess this is the disadvantage we have of living in the modern world. We are surrounded by distractions. Understanding that religion doesnt change no matter how much the world advances is key. Just because people go out bedua-duaan (girl boy boy girl) doesnt mean we are now allowed to. Same goes for aurat. Same goes for everything. It is not now ok to do things just because the modern world suggests that it is ok. Religion is religion and Islam is Islam. What was Wajib and Haram in the past is still exactly the same now. The line between the two will never change no matter how much time passes. I guess this is the burden we have to live with while being thankful to Allah for making life easy for us. Make it harder to be a good muslim while being able to enjoy the joys of hunting virtual monsters.
It is all a test. We need to strive and better ourselves so we can call ourselves good muslims. We dont have forever. I can imagine that most of the people reading my blog are more or less the same age as I am. Cuba kamu imagine we are lucky enough to live until our 80s. That still gives us 60 years to repent for all the sins we have done. Kamu rasa cukup? It is never to late to change and ask for forgiveness from Allah, as long as we are still alive to do so.
Ok atu saja. Its 2am and im blabbing.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Back Home
Im back in Brunei and have been back for almost a week. Im still having trouble staying awake after 8pm but even if I sleep I can still stay that way for a good 10-12 hours. Hancurzz. So I think I still have jetlag. Its only been 6 days so oklah. For those of you who are intrested, im here until October but sudah start Ramadhan, im pretty much going to be busy all the time. Sleeping and eating probably :S
The reason i havent updated for so long is because I havent had a proper internet connection for a while. Well thats kinda a lie. I left my house in kent on the 1st and stayed in London until the 7th. Got back to Brunei on the 8th and now its the 14th. So I have had chances to update and I have had stuff to talk about, its just again, by the time the clock hits 8pm, KO. The only reason im typing this little thing out is because I have a free 20 minutes before I go out for the first time since being back in Brunei. First time going out masa malam. I remember back when i was 18-19, trying my best to stay out until well after midnight. Nowadays, 23-24, kan sampai 10-11pm pun payah payah kan tahan.
There are a couple of ideas I have which may make intresting future posts but not today. I do want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that tomorrow in His Majesty's Birthday.
Ok atu saja.
Im back in Brunei and have been back for almost a week. Im still having trouble staying awake after 8pm but even if I sleep I can still stay that way for a good 10-12 hours. Hancurzz. So I think I still have jetlag. Its only been 6 days so oklah. For those of you who are intrested, im here until October but sudah start Ramadhan, im pretty much going to be busy all the time. Sleeping and eating probably :S
The reason i havent updated for so long is because I havent had a proper internet connection for a while. Well thats kinda a lie. I left my house in kent on the 1st and stayed in London until the 7th. Got back to Brunei on the 8th and now its the 14th. So I have had chances to update and I have had stuff to talk about, its just again, by the time the clock hits 8pm, KO. The only reason im typing this little thing out is because I have a free 20 minutes before I go out for the first time since being back in Brunei. First time going out masa malam. I remember back when i was 18-19, trying my best to stay out until well after midnight. Nowadays, 23-24, kan sampai 10-11pm pun payah payah kan tahan.
There are a couple of ideas I have which may make intresting future posts but not today. I do want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that tomorrow in His Majesty's Birthday.
Ok atu saja.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Sambungan Kawin
I was going to update this last week, yesterday jua, and this morning. Tapi kan its coming close to the moving house time and whenever I wake up, I never have anytime to sit down and update my blog. Tapi I have been thinking of what to cerita about next, and I think I have got it. Tapi I wont write yet, kinda because its 6am in the morning and I need to sleep and wake up later at 12. Also, kinda inconsistent with excuse ku inda update tapi I have been watching bones. Season 3 is messed up. Berabis.
Ok then. Sambungan esok.
I was going to update this last week, yesterday jua, and this morning. Tapi kan its coming close to the moving house time and whenever I wake up, I never have anytime to sit down and update my blog. Tapi I have been thinking of what to cerita about next, and I think I have got it. Tapi I wont write yet, kinda because its 6am in the morning and I need to sleep and wake up later at 12. Also, kinda inconsistent with excuse ku inda update tapi I have been watching bones. Season 3 is messed up. Berabis.
Ok then. Sambungan esok.
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
This year im 24. Tua sudah actually and to be honest with everyone, I have never had a proper girlfriend. To be honest with you, completely honest, only lately have I actually seen this as a blessing. I always use to think that there was something wrong with me, something I had to change. I think the answer to this was I needed to grow up a little, grow out of the person who use to think that having a girlfriend and 'main main' sama a girl was the most important thing in the world.
I think I have finally matured enough and you know what I have realised? I dont need a girlfriend at all. It has all been a blessing to get me to this point in life where I have finally realised what is the most important thing in this life. Its not being in a relationship, its not about being scared of dying alone or anything along those lines. It is to be the best muslim you can be.
"Life is short"
Indeed it is and this is why there is no time to be messing around with girls, or guys. And since life is so short, we need to strive to be the best people we can be. I am not saying that you cannot have girlfriends or boyfriends, who am I to say what you can do or what you cannot. Nobody has the right to tell you what to do, well besides your parents but that is because they are responsible for you. But the most important thing is, whatever you decide to do, always remember Allah.
Well my point is, aku wah. I have finally come to a stage in life where I have decided that I dont want a girlfriend. I want a wife. This makes it so much harder. I dont need to tell any of you because im sure you know. The diffrence between gf/bf and kawin is miles apart. Sudahtah im a very fussy person, now tons of other things have come into searching for that special someone.
Pokoknya cerita ku ani, things have gotten so much harder. Tapi to be honest with you, I have never been happier with the way my life is going and how I am progressing as a person and a muslim. Alhamdullilah.
So if any of you readers are having a hard time, cursing your luck about how life is treating you or just annoyed that things arent going your way... sabar saja. Allah has a plan for all of us so all we can do is have faith.
Ok atu saja.
This year im 24. Tua sudah actually and to be honest with everyone, I have never had a proper girlfriend. To be honest with you, completely honest, only lately have I actually seen this as a blessing. I always use to think that there was something wrong with me, something I had to change. I think the answer to this was I needed to grow up a little, grow out of the person who use to think that having a girlfriend and 'main main' sama a girl was the most important thing in the world.
I think I have finally matured enough and you know what I have realised? I dont need a girlfriend at all. It has all been a blessing to get me to this point in life where I have finally realised what is the most important thing in this life. Its not being in a relationship, its not about being scared of dying alone or anything along those lines. It is to be the best muslim you can be.
"Life is short"
Indeed it is and this is why there is no time to be messing around with girls, or guys. And since life is so short, we need to strive to be the best people we can be. I am not saying that you cannot have girlfriends or boyfriends, who am I to say what you can do or what you cannot. Nobody has the right to tell you what to do, well besides your parents but that is because they are responsible for you. But the most important thing is, whatever you decide to do, always remember Allah.
Well my point is, aku wah. I have finally come to a stage in life where I have decided that I dont want a girlfriend. I want a wife. This makes it so much harder. I dont need to tell any of you because im sure you know. The diffrence between gf/bf and kawin is miles apart. Sudahtah im a very fussy person, now tons of other things have come into searching for that special someone.
Pokoknya cerita ku ani, things have gotten so much harder. Tapi to be honest with you, I have never been happier with the way my life is going and how I am progressing as a person and a muslim. Alhamdullilah.
So if any of you readers are having a hard time, cursing your luck about how life is treating you or just annoyed that things arent going your way... sabar saja. Allah has a plan for all of us so all we can do is have faith.
Ok atu saja.
Monday, 1 June 2009
The Beach
I have suddenly come into a stage of very high traffic for my blog. Well higher than it usually is. So I am probably going to have to censor some of the stuff I say now to be more careful about annoying someone. I appreciate the people who come to read what I have to say though. Hopefully by reading it will bring your life joy. And hopefully I can serve as a good reminder to not only all of you, but to myself as well.
Ok so today I went to Margate. There is a pantai there so we all thought it was a good place to go and spend the afternoon as the sun was shining and it was quite warm. Its the first of June and there is only 30 more days to spend time with all my seniors. You gotta make it all count because time flies. Well anyway, at one point while we were all fooling around on the beach, I had to sit down and relax sekajap because ngalih berabis. This gave me time to reflect. There is nothing better than being with nature and just trying to relax and calm yourself. And I thought to myself, why dont I do this kind of thing more instead of wasting time in the house and playing games. Its a shame how much of this year I have spent sitting in the living room not really doing much. Sayang.
I guess its easy to realise now how my laziness has made me lose out on alot tapi esok esok, bebalik jua ni main game sampai 8-10 hours. Its Syaitans way of making me waste time is what I have just realised. I finished watching the documentary of 'the arrivals' and am amazed at the amount of work they have put in just to make people realize what we are actually put on earth for. Even though controversial, its message is simple. Allah has blessed us with life and has asked of little in return. There is 24 hours in the day. Kiranya tidur 8. 16 hours in a day for us to use as we please and all we need to do is pray 5 times a day. Inda sampai 40 minute from the 16 hours we have been granted. Even this is hard for us to do.
I read that Nabi Muhammad SAW used to pray until his feet were swollen and he used to ask Allah for forgiveness 70 times a day. This is the prophet, the man who had the qualities we can only dream of achieving. If my badan sakit, instead of praying dulu I lay down, sometimes tetidur and then sembahyang akhir sikit lagi miss waktu. Aku kan bebuat macam atu. Mun Nabi Muhammad SAW minta forgiveness 70 times a day, just imagine what we should be trying to achieve in our everyday lives. Main game dapat. Liat TV dapat. Main bola dapat. Even 5 minutes during these activities, duduk, tutup mata and beg for forgiveness. Ani syaitan punya skill kan buat kami lupakan kepada Allah. Making us enjoy dunia. No matter how young we are and how much time we THINK we have left on earth, it is nothing compared to akhirat.
We have been given the Al-Quran and sunnah nabi as guidelines. We are suppose to take Prophet Muhammad SAW as an example on how to structure our lives. No matter how invincible we feel at this moment, it could all end in an instant.
So to use an old bruneian saying, 'sembahyang sebelum kana sembahyangkan'
Hopefully we can all change our lives for the better. There is never a point where we cant improve ourselves as muslims and human beings. Insyallah.
Forgive me if I have offended or maybe sound hypocritical.
I have suddenly come into a stage of very high traffic for my blog. Well higher than it usually is. So I am probably going to have to censor some of the stuff I say now to be more careful about annoying someone. I appreciate the people who come to read what I have to say though. Hopefully by reading it will bring your life joy. And hopefully I can serve as a good reminder to not only all of you, but to myself as well.
Ok so today I went to Margate. There is a pantai there so we all thought it was a good place to go and spend the afternoon as the sun was shining and it was quite warm. Its the first of June and there is only 30 more days to spend time with all my seniors. You gotta make it all count because time flies. Well anyway, at one point while we were all fooling around on the beach, I had to sit down and relax sekajap because ngalih berabis. This gave me time to reflect. There is nothing better than being with nature and just trying to relax and calm yourself. And I thought to myself, why dont I do this kind of thing more instead of wasting time in the house and playing games. Its a shame how much of this year I have spent sitting in the living room not really doing much. Sayang.
I guess its easy to realise now how my laziness has made me lose out on alot tapi esok esok, bebalik jua ni main game sampai 8-10 hours. Its Syaitans way of making me waste time is what I have just realised. I finished watching the documentary of 'the arrivals' and am amazed at the amount of work they have put in just to make people realize what we are actually put on earth for. Even though controversial, its message is simple. Allah has blessed us with life and has asked of little in return. There is 24 hours in the day. Kiranya tidur 8. 16 hours in a day for us to use as we please and all we need to do is pray 5 times a day. Inda sampai 40 minute from the 16 hours we have been granted. Even this is hard for us to do.
I read that Nabi Muhammad SAW used to pray until his feet were swollen and he used to ask Allah for forgiveness 70 times a day. This is the prophet, the man who had the qualities we can only dream of achieving. If my badan sakit, instead of praying dulu I lay down, sometimes tetidur and then sembahyang akhir sikit lagi miss waktu. Aku kan bebuat macam atu. Mun Nabi Muhammad SAW minta forgiveness 70 times a day, just imagine what we should be trying to achieve in our everyday lives. Main game dapat. Liat TV dapat. Main bola dapat. Even 5 minutes during these activities, duduk, tutup mata and beg for forgiveness. Ani syaitan punya skill kan buat kami lupakan kepada Allah. Making us enjoy dunia. No matter how young we are and how much time we THINK we have left on earth, it is nothing compared to akhirat.
We have been given the Al-Quran and sunnah nabi as guidelines. We are suppose to take Prophet Muhammad SAW as an example on how to structure our lives. No matter how invincible we feel at this moment, it could all end in an instant.
So to use an old bruneian saying, 'sembahyang sebelum kana sembahyangkan'
Hopefully we can all change our lives for the better. There is never a point where we cant improve ourselves as muslims and human beings. Insyallah.
Forgive me if I have offended or maybe sound hypocritical.
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Fresh Start
Assalamualaikum readers.
First of all saya apologize for the lack of activity on the blog. Im sure not many people read, but I appreciate those who do. Reason for not updating, first I had my last exam yesterday which I didnt really study for but it was still something on my mind. Second is ive been watching this documentary. A mind blowing one. Ill get to that bit later though.
One point I got out of it though is that life is full of choices. We have been blessed by Allah with the ability to make these choices in our everyday life. The dissapointing thing is so many times we make the wrong choices. Its hard to accept this though as most of us has been brought up with a firm belief in what success is. It is a very common Bruneian culture to persuade children that education comes first. This of course is very true. But we need to do this while completing our main priority. The first and most important out of all priorities we have and that is to complete our obligations as an Islam. This of course comes first with the five pillars of Islam and the second pillar is prayers. These are not labelled 1-5 just randomly. Prayers always come first on top of all other daily routines. Prayers should be the top of list of our daily routines.
Now where is this coming from all of a sudden? I have always been reluctant to give any advice or try and preach when I blog. Or talk to people for that matter. I have never seen myself as having the right to tell people what to do. But you see, what I have realised is I am not telling people what to do. I am only giving advice. I want to stress this most importantly. We all have obligations towards Islam but it never hurts to have gentle reminders once in a while. We have been blessed with the Al-Quran and Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW as a guideline to live our lives. It is important we embrace these as part of our daily lives. Even if you cannot do these completely, we have all been given the freedom of choice. Its all in the baby steps. Nobody can expect you to go from a person who does little to someone who does alot and it would be unfair if you were expected to.
The main point. Sincerity. Ikhlas. Do what you can to the utmost of your capabilities as long as you are ikhlas in what you are doing.
Now I hope people do not think I am being full of myself for typing all this. It is all just a gentle reminder. This is also the way I will start blogging from now on. Since this time I choose to do what I have been told to do in the Al-Quran and that is to spread the word of Islam. These are hard times but our freedom of choice is still ours.
For those of you who need a little more kick watch this documentary by the wakeup project
Some of you may have already heard of this. The documentary is called the arrivals. I want to stress that this is all just the documentary punya pembuat punya opinion. There is no message of going against any word of islam, i have watched all the way to the last 4 episodes.
Ok atu saja kali for now. Forgive me if I have in any way offended you. Please take everything with an open mind.
Bah atu saja.
First of all saya apologize for the lack of activity on the blog. Im sure not many people read, but I appreciate those who do. Reason for not updating, first I had my last exam yesterday which I didnt really study for but it was still something on my mind. Second is ive been watching this documentary. A mind blowing one. Ill get to that bit later though.
One point I got out of it though is that life is full of choices. We have been blessed by Allah with the ability to make these choices in our everyday life. The dissapointing thing is so many times we make the wrong choices. Its hard to accept this though as most of us has been brought up with a firm belief in what success is. It is a very common Bruneian culture to persuade children that education comes first. This of course is very true. But we need to do this while completing our main priority. The first and most important out of all priorities we have and that is to complete our obligations as an Islam. This of course comes first with the five pillars of Islam and the second pillar is prayers. These are not labelled 1-5 just randomly. Prayers always come first on top of all other daily routines. Prayers should be the top of list of our daily routines.
Now where is this coming from all of a sudden? I have always been reluctant to give any advice or try and preach when I blog. Or talk to people for that matter. I have never seen myself as having the right to tell people what to do. But you see, what I have realised is I am not telling people what to do. I am only giving advice. I want to stress this most importantly. We all have obligations towards Islam but it never hurts to have gentle reminders once in a while. We have been blessed with the Al-Quran and Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW as a guideline to live our lives. It is important we embrace these as part of our daily lives. Even if you cannot do these completely, we have all been given the freedom of choice. Its all in the baby steps. Nobody can expect you to go from a person who does little to someone who does alot and it would be unfair if you were expected to.
The main point. Sincerity. Ikhlas. Do what you can to the utmost of your capabilities as long as you are ikhlas in what you are doing.
Now I hope people do not think I am being full of myself for typing all this. It is all just a gentle reminder. This is also the way I will start blogging from now on. Since this time I choose to do what I have been told to do in the Al-Quran and that is to spread the word of Islam. These are hard times but our freedom of choice is still ours.
For those of you who need a little more kick watch this documentary by the wakeup project
Some of you may have already heard of this. The documentary is called the arrivals. I want to stress that this is all just the documentary punya pembuat punya opinion. There is no message of going against any word of islam, i have watched all the way to the last 4 episodes.
Ok atu saja kali for now. Forgive me if I have in any way offended you. Please take everything with an open mind.
Bah atu saja.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Kepada pilots yang kan main lufbru
aku register sudah kamu. Tapi i dont know siapa saja kan main. kamu baca kah blog ani jua? well u have to let me know. siapa yang baca, tanya2 kan so I know whose names to put down. I think pilots dapat main anyway, aku kana gitau probably dapat. So let me know. yo
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Star Trek
My dearest readers
Tadi for the second time in my 2 years in Canterbury, I went to go see a movie at the Odeon. Selalunya aku malas wah pasal its expensive, its jauh and I would much rather wait for the movie file to come out online. Tapi kan, I forgot how awesome it is watching a movie in the cinema. Siuk jua with the completely pimped out sound system and the huge screen with the comfy chairs. I guess you cant really compare it with the awesomeness of laying down on your bed and watching something on the pc, but its a good change.
So anyway, I watched Star Trek. Im not a fan of the series and I never will be. To be honest I think its the lamest thing on TV :P Im not a fan of Star Wars and Enterprise either. All of it is kinda lame. But the movie, I have to say, is very awesome. The characters have that very same feel as the originals, or at least from the commercials I use to see on TV. They even look the same. I think the movie has been very well made. It being the prequel to everything jua makes you feel like you are not missing out anything by not watching the 17 seasons of Star Trek. Quite amazing. Eye candy wise.... the girl in it is lawa but not super lawa.
Ohh props to Simon Pegg. Dawn of the dead, Hot fuzz, Run Fatboy Run. He is very funny. "Beam me up Scotty"
Well anyway, from awesome to not so awesome. How I met your mother season 4 finale hari ani. It sucks. Season 3 and 4 has been the most dissapointing seasons of TV I have ever watched. The only thing that would make it worse is if I had to sit through commercials while watching it. Ted has gotten annoying. I mean, kajap he finds out he is an ass so he tries to better himself so when he meets the mum.. he isnt at ass. Tapi rasa ku... sama jua masih si Ted ani. Barneys catch phrases arent catchy or smart anymore. Marshall is lame. Apakan... jumping across the buildings ani. Lame~ Robyn and Lilly getting pregnant in real life I guess kinda spoilt everything jua. haha. Ohhh well. If season 5 isnt tons better in the first couple of episodes im going to stop watching. At least the story line has finally progressed a little.
For something way better. Big Bang Theory is a masterpiece.
Finally. Live long and prosper. And to do that, be doa lah kepada Allah.
Tadi for the second time in my 2 years in Canterbury, I went to go see a movie at the Odeon. Selalunya aku malas wah pasal its expensive, its jauh and I would much rather wait for the movie file to come out online. Tapi kan, I forgot how awesome it is watching a movie in the cinema. Siuk jua with the completely pimped out sound system and the huge screen with the comfy chairs. I guess you cant really compare it with the awesomeness of laying down on your bed and watching something on the pc, but its a good change.
So anyway, I watched Star Trek. Im not a fan of the series and I never will be. To be honest I think its the lamest thing on TV :P Im not a fan of Star Wars and Enterprise either. All of it is kinda lame. But the movie, I have to say, is very awesome. The characters have that very same feel as the originals, or at least from the commercials I use to see on TV. They even look the same. I think the movie has been very well made. It being the prequel to everything jua makes you feel like you are not missing out anything by not watching the 17 seasons of Star Trek. Quite amazing. Eye candy wise.... the girl in it is lawa but not super lawa.
Ohh props to Simon Pegg. Dawn of the dead, Hot fuzz, Run Fatboy Run. He is very funny. "Beam me up Scotty"
Well anyway, from awesome to not so awesome. How I met your mother season 4 finale hari ani. It sucks. Season 3 and 4 has been the most dissapointing seasons of TV I have ever watched. The only thing that would make it worse is if I had to sit through commercials while watching it. Ted has gotten annoying. I mean, kajap he finds out he is an ass so he tries to better himself so when he meets the mum.. he isnt at ass. Tapi rasa ku... sama jua masih si Ted ani. Barneys catch phrases arent catchy or smart anymore. Marshall is lame. Apakan... jumping across the buildings ani. Lame~ Robyn and Lilly getting pregnant in real life I guess kinda spoilt everything jua. haha. Ohhh well. If season 5 isnt tons better in the first couple of episodes im going to stop watching. At least the story line has finally progressed a little.
For something way better. Big Bang Theory is a masterpiece.
Finally. Live long and prosper. And to do that, be doa lah kepada Allah.
Monday, 18 May 2009
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Blogging Time Exam
Its been a while mainly because it is exam period for those of us who arent working and are still in university. I cant think of any time I dread more than exams besides the time i sit down on my laptop chair thinking about what to blog about. And since it is the time where most students tend to procrastinate the most, I have been abusing that fact and have been blog hopping for a couple of days. The best suprise, tecari blog kawan ku who is super articulate and makes me ashamed to even have a blog. I can always use the 'I have exams' excuse if this post gets lame (my posts are always lame though)
Si Apiz baru balik ke Brunei last last week so I am the only person in UK now who was from my pilot batch. Its kinda depressing when I think about it, especially when I was digging through myself the other day and I found my Hi Visibility jacket I use to wear and also my Flight Log book. Actually come to think about it, there is one more thing I dread more than exam times. Time exam pilot. Gila atu baru tear jerking. Those were some of the toughest days I have ever lived but if I got through those then I dont see why I cant get through my last 2 exams.
So apa lagi ahhh. Nothing much really. You see only around 6 people read my blog. Hahaha. Good friends kamu ani ehhh. Taking 5 minutes of your precious time and waste it here. Tag board inda laku. I promise after exams ill post some cool stuff. Thorpe park and the beach beckons. Before I go, nah video youtube.
Ohh and if you dont watch Britains Got Talent, watch Jamie Pugh.
Si Apiz baru balik ke Brunei last last week so I am the only person in UK now who was from my pilot batch. Its kinda depressing when I think about it, especially when I was digging through myself the other day and I found my Hi Visibility jacket I use to wear and also my Flight Log book. Actually come to think about it, there is one more thing I dread more than exam times. Time exam pilot. Gila atu baru tear jerking. Those were some of the toughest days I have ever lived but if I got through those then I dont see why I cant get through my last 2 exams.
So apa lagi ahhh. Nothing much really. You see only around 6 people read my blog. Hahaha. Good friends kamu ani ehhh. Taking 5 minutes of your precious time and waste it here. Tag board inda laku. I promise after exams ill post some cool stuff. Thorpe park and the beach beckons. Before I go, nah video youtube.
Ohh and if you dont watch Britains Got Talent, watch Jamie Pugh.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Vagabond where the opening act for james morrison masa concert nya. been following them a little.
exams are on tuesday :O
exams are on tuesday :O
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Monday, 4 May 2009
Recognize awesome - Puma Ad yang cam baie
I apologize for the lack of updates. I usually have a new post page open but I can never find anything to write about, that or im just lazy. I have been procastinating a lot lately, finding the smallest of things to do just so I dont have to sit down and open my books. I do find that I am not as stressed as I was last year though, possibly because I actually went into most of my classes this time round. Palui pulang masih ni, exams being in a week and alum blajar. But let me share my strategy with you, MAIN TARGET. I know it may seen like a dumb move, tapi my course always seems to recycle the format of the exam every year. They will always have the same 'pick 2 out of the 4 questions' and dont reuse any material you use for one question in the other. And the questions atu for the past 3 years at least, is always pasal the same topics. So its like begging me to main TARGET.
And I dont really see any problem in using this strategy. Its not like when im working im going to be put down on the spot, given a question and telling them everything I know about said question. Even if I do become a Barrister, I will have tons of time to prepare for a case and even that will be main target :P Its not like I have to memorize every fact of Criminal law to argue in one case, or every fact of European law if I was to argue in an EU case. I think the main point of exams is to put you under stress, and the person who can best deal with the stress will be the winner in the end. Even if that said person doesnt happen to get the highest mark in the end :P
But this just may be screwed up logic. I dont really know.
Last year at around this time, I blogged about become a better muslim. The very next day after I posted the post, ada comment that a good muslim doesnt date which I said I was going to do in the post. Of course, I took it that the comment'or was calling me a bad muslim. Ive been thinking about this for a couple of days now. Well a couple of weeks more like. And I think I finally sadar that in fact I have a long way to go. Even a simple piece of advice and my ego tarus went into full defense mode and then kan mentel mentel. If a simple comment can make my ego jadi basar, or my huge ego being hurt, then I am far from making myself be a better muslim. And this was one year ago, and baru baru kan sadar.
Its only lately I have been finding all the flaws in my life and realising most of my weaknesses. I dont really know if I have what it takes to better myself without having any help. As people, and especially me, its hard to notice our own flaws until we are pointed them out by someone else. Cana jua. Ego basar. Asal kan beibadat, kan mencari praise of some sort from anyone. Hancur ehh.
So basically, yang ku cakap ani, is nothing really. Just because aku sadar doesnt mean I can do much about it. I guess we just take steps in order to prevent it from getting worse and hopefully insyallah we will be given the strenght to better ourselves one day.
And I dont really see any problem in using this strategy. Its not like when im working im going to be put down on the spot, given a question and telling them everything I know about said question. Even if I do become a Barrister, I will have tons of time to prepare for a case and even that will be main target :P Its not like I have to memorize every fact of Criminal law to argue in one case, or every fact of European law if I was to argue in an EU case. I think the main point of exams is to put you under stress, and the person who can best deal with the stress will be the winner in the end. Even if that said person doesnt happen to get the highest mark in the end :P
But this just may be screwed up logic. I dont really know.
Last year at around this time, I blogged about become a better muslim. The very next day after I posted the post, ada comment that a good muslim doesnt date which I said I was going to do in the post. Of course, I took it that the comment'or was calling me a bad muslim. Ive been thinking about this for a couple of days now. Well a couple of weeks more like. And I think I finally sadar that in fact I have a long way to go. Even a simple piece of advice and my ego tarus went into full defense mode and then kan mentel mentel. If a simple comment can make my ego jadi basar, or my huge ego being hurt, then I am far from making myself be a better muslim. And this was one year ago, and baru baru kan sadar.
Its only lately I have been finding all the flaws in my life and realising most of my weaknesses. I dont really know if I have what it takes to better myself without having any help. As people, and especially me, its hard to notice our own flaws until we are pointed them out by someone else. Cana jua. Ego basar. Asal kan beibadat, kan mencari praise of some sort from anyone. Hancur ehh.
So basically, yang ku cakap ani, is nothing really. Just because aku sadar doesnt mean I can do much about it. I guess we just take steps in order to prevent it from getting worse and hopefully insyallah we will be given the strenght to better ourselves one day.
Saturday, 25 April 2009
I have been staying at my grandmothers house for a week plus since my ibu is in England so I havent had access to internet. I have missed a total of 3 football matches, United football matches no less, and all my weekly tv shows. Cana kan download when you are working on an internet connection in Costa yang downloading speed nya lagi slow dari internet speed Brunei. But from what ive heard, internet brunei mikin maju. Syabas.
Since I have been staying in the very inda laku town of Eastleigh, I dont really have lots of things to talk about. This place is very small, very chavvy since all the kids of the older generation who live here has nothing better to do. I think this is what happens when you live in such a small enviroment with kadai JD, JJB, SPORTS WORLD are shoved down your throat. Terpaksa jadi chav. haha. Chav is poklen UK for those not in the know. Ive been coming to Costa to charge my laptop, my ds, my ipod... everything just so it lessens the burden on my grandmother. It is very kesian the way UK treats the older generation. But im not getting into politics (something which i have been caught up with after reading the newspaper page for page ever since ive been here).. its lame.
I have a Flickr account. Hahaha. I dont think I get its full use. Kan ku follow account Zac Efron but he doesnt even have a page. I mean whats the point besides keeping up with the updates of Rezdarez. Tapi atu pun all I have to do is text. Ohhh well, fingers crossed mr Zac-ky E creates an account very soon.
I have also been playing Pokemon alot, again. I cant wait to get home and play online :D
Thats all really. Southpark has been the only tv series I have managed to follow due to its small file size on the southpark website. I want to be a pirate now.
Listen to Consoler of the Lonely and Carolina Drama by the Raconteurs.
Since I have been staying in the very inda laku town of Eastleigh, I dont really have lots of things to talk about. This place is very small, very chavvy since all the kids of the older generation who live here has nothing better to do. I think this is what happens when you live in such a small enviroment with kadai JD, JJB, SPORTS WORLD are shoved down your throat. Terpaksa jadi chav. haha. Chav is poklen UK for those not in the know. Ive been coming to Costa to charge my laptop, my ds, my ipod... everything just so it lessens the burden on my grandmother. It is very kesian the way UK treats the older generation. But im not getting into politics (something which i have been caught up with after reading the newspaper page for page ever since ive been here).. its lame.
I have a Flickr account. Hahaha. I dont think I get its full use. Kan ku follow account Zac Efron but he doesnt even have a page. I mean whats the point besides keeping up with the updates of Rezdarez. Tapi atu pun all I have to do is text. Ohhh well, fingers crossed mr Zac-ky E creates an account very soon.
I have also been playing Pokemon alot, again. I cant wait to get home and play online :D
Thats all really. Southpark has been the only tv series I have managed to follow due to its small file size on the southpark website. I want to be a pirate now.
Listen to Consoler of the Lonely and Carolina Drama by the Raconteurs.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Thorpe Park
Just a quick note, starting from tomorrow night I will be away from a proper internet connection.
Today we went to Thorpe Park. I dont know if any of you has ever gone, tapi if you havent, and you like roller coasters and rides, go. Tomorrow. Awal ani if you can. Siok.
We all woke up at 530am, which was an achievement since kami serumah tidur at 330am and kami tarus ke train station to take the first train to london. Tapi nada group ticket bejual until 820, kalau bali for 7am it would cost 42 pounds. We got to London at around 1030 in the end and inda sampai Thorpe park until 12 labih. That was annoying and I think one of the only dissapointments of the whole trip. Inda cukup masa. On our way to the park, in the thorpe park coach ride we also got a quick unscheduled ride jua. As our bus was driving, suddenly a car from the other side of the road kan masuk junction sebelah bus. Atu tarus bus break, bus telanggar kereta, bus punya bumper hilang. All in all in wasnt a bad accident, cali pulang bus driver kami keluar picking up the bumper. Dapan2 police station lagi. We called the ride Crash.
Sudah sampai kami tarus Collossus. Youtube it. Then Rush. Youtube. Then No way out tapi paling lame di dunia so dont YT it. Then kami stealth. YT it. Then kami log ride and basah berabis. Then kami Nemesis, YT. Then aku Samurai. YT. Siok berabis. Im not kidding you. Its not 322am and the past 48 hours, ive been asleep for 2 hours. Kepisan pulang ni so grammar mistakes and punctuation comfirm salah. Ill have a couple of pictures for u when i meet my sister.
Bah rasa ku terabang sudah from my chair ni. Gila. Tapi ani untuk kamu. Lawa berabis

Today we went to Thorpe Park. I dont know if any of you has ever gone, tapi if you havent, and you like roller coasters and rides, go. Tomorrow. Awal ani if you can. Siok.
We all woke up at 530am, which was an achievement since kami serumah tidur at 330am and kami tarus ke train station to take the first train to london. Tapi nada group ticket bejual until 820, kalau bali for 7am it would cost 42 pounds. We got to London at around 1030 in the end and inda sampai Thorpe park until 12 labih. That was annoying and I think one of the only dissapointments of the whole trip. Inda cukup masa. On our way to the park, in the thorpe park coach ride we also got a quick unscheduled ride jua. As our bus was driving, suddenly a car from the other side of the road kan masuk junction sebelah bus. Atu tarus bus break, bus telanggar kereta, bus punya bumper hilang. All in all in wasnt a bad accident, cali pulang bus driver kami keluar picking up the bumper. Dapan2 police station lagi. We called the ride Crash.
Sudah sampai kami tarus Collossus. Youtube it. Then Rush. Youtube. Then No way out tapi paling lame di dunia so dont YT it. Then kami stealth. YT it. Then kami log ride and basah berabis. Then kami Nemesis, YT. Then aku Samurai. YT. Siok berabis. Im not kidding you. Its not 322am and the past 48 hours, ive been asleep for 2 hours. Kepisan pulang ni so grammar mistakes and punctuation comfirm salah. Ill have a couple of pictures for u when i meet my sister.
Bah rasa ku terabang sudah from my chair ni. Gila. Tapi ani untuk kamu. Lawa berabis

Friday, 10 April 2009
Spring Break 2009
I know we are lagging behind everyone else, and this may be bangas news, but Kent finally sampai sudah cuti spring. Its good friday this week though and everything tutup. In the islamic calender, every friday is a good friday. Bukan lagi good saja, excellent and amazing friday.
Im just going to quickly tell you about my essays and then go straight to the main topic of the story. I went to birmingham to watch mraz this tuesday and came back to kent on wednesday night. It was suppose to be thursday balik tapi I had an essay due which I was suppose to finish on monday before i left for birmingham. Unfortunately inda menjadi, so I came back early. Abis duit. And my stay in birmingham pun unfortunately banyak unnecessary duit keluar jua. Ohh well, unavoidable. Anyway, I got back at night. Sudah mandi and do all my daily things i do which I couldnt do during the day pasal I was on the train, I started my essay at 12am. Then I realised, ehhh tinggal 14 jam ni baru due. Dapat main game skajap. Main game skajap became 3 hours. So at 3am, I listened to a lecture to gain knowledge. 4am. Ngalih tia ku. I didnt get enough sleep in birm so I decided to tidur skajap saja. An hour or two. Jadi 6. I woke up at 10am almost 1030. Atu ya. Tarus panic buat essay.
I think pasal panic atu, efficiency ku naik and I didnt do the things I normally do while im writing essays. You know, check internet. Dangar music. Menalur.
I finished the essay in 2hours 30 minutes. A record. I proof read (past tense) it and I think it was ok. Hahahaha it wasnt crappy but it wasnt great. It was what it was, last minute. Tapi biartia lah. At least I finished. And now im reaping the rewards. Cuti. I have a couple of videos I want to post up from tadi tapi I have to wait til I get them from orang Kent. Atu lain kali.
Now I want to cerita pasal the genius that is Reza, my housemate. Ia baru abis his final course work of his course. Aku kan gitau kamu amazing pun karang inda kamu pecaya. The storyline is a little hard to follow at first tapi kamu liat a couple of times paham kamu tu.
Something to Tell (Short Film) from Reza on Vimeo.
Ok itu saja. His other videos are on HERE HERE HERE kalau kamu kan liat.
Ok Salam
Im just going to quickly tell you about my essays and then go straight to the main topic of the story. I went to birmingham to watch mraz this tuesday and came back to kent on wednesday night. It was suppose to be thursday balik tapi I had an essay due which I was suppose to finish on monday before i left for birmingham. Unfortunately inda menjadi, so I came back early. Abis duit. And my stay in birmingham pun unfortunately banyak unnecessary duit keluar jua. Ohh well, unavoidable. Anyway, I got back at night. Sudah mandi and do all my daily things i do which I couldnt do during the day pasal I was on the train, I started my essay at 12am. Then I realised, ehhh tinggal 14 jam ni baru due. Dapat main game skajap. Main game skajap became 3 hours. So at 3am, I listened to a lecture to gain knowledge. 4am. Ngalih tia ku. I didnt get enough sleep in birm so I decided to tidur skajap saja. An hour or two. Jadi 6. I woke up at 10am almost 1030. Atu ya. Tarus panic buat essay.
I think pasal panic atu, efficiency ku naik and I didnt do the things I normally do while im writing essays. You know, check internet. Dangar music. Menalur.
I finished the essay in 2hours 30 minutes. A record. I proof read (past tense) it and I think it was ok. Hahahaha it wasnt crappy but it wasnt great. It was what it was, last minute. Tapi biartia lah. At least I finished. And now im reaping the rewards. Cuti. I have a couple of videos I want to post up from tadi tapi I have to wait til I get them from orang Kent. Atu lain kali.
Now I want to cerita pasal the genius that is Reza, my housemate. Ia baru abis his final course work of his course. Aku kan gitau kamu amazing pun karang inda kamu pecaya. The storyline is a little hard to follow at first tapi kamu liat a couple of times paham kamu tu.
Something to Tell (Short Film) from Reza on Vimeo.
Ok itu saja. His other videos are on HERE HERE HERE kalau kamu kan liat.
Ok Salam
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Kes Jealous
I read peoples blogs, and use my sisters facebook and look at peoples pictures, and jealous ku berabis because everybody seems to be more active than I am at present moment. Ada gambar bini2 main netball competitions, gambar lelaki main bola almost every single day of the week, jalan2 minum coffee at wherever serves coffee, travelling across the Uk and Europe. Then I look at what I am doing, sleeping the day away or spending the whole day dapan ps3 and laptop. Its not really my fault, partly pasal I still have 2 essays due at the end of the week, tapi its depressing. I havent been out of the house today and aku seorang dirumah. Usually I would take this golden opportunity to control the living room, speakers aku punya, tv aku punya, space semua aku punya tapi instead aku tetidur waiting for isyak tadi. I think tetidur atu pasal malas kan buat kraja pulang jua. Tebangun pukul 12am lapas atu. Useless. Kraja inda bebuat. Now its 130am and I dont even know where the hour and a half went. Pasal main pokemon platinum kali.
Oklah in order to save me from coming off as a complete loser-ish loser, I did go to a James Morrison concert last week in London. That was awesome. Jason Mraz next week in Birmingham. So I am not a complete loser, just sedikit saja. My Ibu is coming to UK in the middle of April so that will get me out of the house. Some of the guys in Kent are planning a trip to Thorpe Park on the 14th of April. So I guess things are looking up. If only the word count on my european law essay would increase. Complete tah jadinya tu.
In the mean time, pokemon platinum saja lah yang mennyamankan hati ku. Siapa mau lawan. Aku bagi ID ku then lawan kami online. hahaha
Oklah in order to save me from coming off as a complete loser-ish loser, I did go to a James Morrison concert last week in London. That was awesome. Jason Mraz next week in Birmingham. So I am not a complete loser, just sedikit saja. My Ibu is coming to UK in the middle of April so that will get me out of the house. Some of the guys in Kent are planning a trip to Thorpe Park on the 14th of April. So I guess things are looking up. If only the word count on my european law essay would increase. Complete tah jadinya tu.
In the mean time, pokemon platinum saja lah yang mennyamankan hati ku. Siapa mau lawan. Aku bagi ID ku then lawan kami online. hahaha
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Mayday Parade?!?!?! haha
This is for my boy. hahaha lawa rif. ur awesome
Cartman 'Handle it? For 2 billion dollars id handle my grandpas balls dude'
HAHAHA awesome. Bah apalagi, download tah episode 4
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Assalamualaikum everybody. Sorry batah nada anything yang berpotensi. The whole rick rolled thing the last post didnt get everyone as hyped as i thought it would have. I enjoyed it. Hahaha. It was awesome. Anyway, saya ada cerita hangat. ABOUT ME!
So today I woke up at 6am in Brunei Hall, prayed and then left to come back to Kent tarus. I didnt really want to stay in London longer than I needed to and I had class today anyway. I left and I got back home, went to tesco and bought some milk. In 3 days, i have only slept 6 hours in total because of an essay I needed to speed through. Figures, I think I did crap at it.
Anyway when I got home, I turned on the PS3 and started playing Ultimate Team on fifa. Its awesome. Orang PS3, add me (eyesherrield).
I went to class today a little early so I could go to the surau and pray before my class. Asar masa ani is at 430 so its hard to pray at home and still make it in time for class at 5. Anyway, when I was finished, aku cerita sekajap with my friend disana just catching up a little and then quickly rushed to class. Tapi on my way out of the surau, there was a girl who came out of the ladies side jua. Ia usai usai tudongnya and pakai kasut and stuff. At first I didnt pay much attention because I was late for class but when she faced towards me, atuuuu.... abis lah composure ku tarus. Hilang the 'I dont care im wearing my vice-president hoodie to class' and out came the 'crap kenapa cawie usulku hari ani!!' Of all the days.
So this girl yeah. She has white skin and a middle eastern look. When she came up closer, I found out she had blue eyes. She wears glasses jua btw. She is around the same height as me, maybe just a little shorter. Kurus kurus figure nya, well from what I could tell anyway. She wasnt wearing tight fitting clothes or anything so I was taking my best bet. All of this was happening so fast and I had to think fast.
Senyum ku.
Ia senyum balik.
So I said hi and she said hi back. Then I noticed she was carrying a law book. A EUROPEAN LAW BOOK, THE SAME CLASS I WAS HEADED FOR!!!
So i asked her, have you finished your essay yet?
She said no tapi cakap ia kan masuk seminar. I asked her where. She said arah the building next to the cinema. MY SEMINAR ROOM!!!! Fate anyone?
So I said I was going to the same place, and bejalan tia kami to class. Aku cerita2 sama ia pasal essay and why ive never seen her in class before. Rupanya this was only a replacement class for one she missed on monday. I asked her for her name. She told me. Ill keep it secret first and tell you later ;)FATE!!!
So we got to class, class was lame tapi sudah abis class she came up to me and asked me if I was busy. Ehhhhh nya ku.... this has never ever happened to me in my life. I said no and she asked me if i wanted to go and have coffee. So we sat in the cinema cafe right next to class for HOURSSSS talking about stuff. When I say hours eksen ku pulang, it was around 40 minutes before we both went our seperate ways. Tapi hear this... or read this, apa saja lah.
She told me she is from Egypt. She told me she has 2 brothers and a younger sister. She is in her 2nd year same as me. Her brother is a pilot! She loves drinking coffee because she is addicted to it and is using it to get over ciggarettes which i kalahkan aku, ia quit betahun sudah. Akhir akhir in the conversation I find out she has been single for almost as long as I have... tapi I dont really know how long I have been single actually... at least 2 years lah kali. hahaha.
And the kicker, ia cakap she is amazed she had never noticed a guy like me around uni before. Lawa lah tu ertinya. HAHAHAHAHHAA
So you see guys. Im kinda in a daze right now. Half 'ive met my soulmate' and half ngalih pasal aku inda cukup tidur. Tapi pokoknya, esok kami jumpa lagi!!!!
Tapi ani lah yang paling power. Her name, and you will never believe what her name is.......
So today I woke up at 6am in Brunei Hall, prayed and then left to come back to Kent tarus. I didnt really want to stay in London longer than I needed to and I had class today anyway. I left and I got back home, went to tesco and bought some milk. In 3 days, i have only slept 6 hours in total because of an essay I needed to speed through. Figures, I think I did crap at it.
Anyway when I got home, I turned on the PS3 and started playing Ultimate Team on fifa. Its awesome. Orang PS3, add me (eyesherrield).
I went to class today a little early so I could go to the surau and pray before my class. Asar masa ani is at 430 so its hard to pray at home and still make it in time for class at 5. Anyway, when I was finished, aku cerita sekajap with my friend disana just catching up a little and then quickly rushed to class. Tapi on my way out of the surau, there was a girl who came out of the ladies side jua. Ia usai usai tudongnya and pakai kasut and stuff. At first I didnt pay much attention because I was late for class but when she faced towards me, atuuuu.... abis lah composure ku tarus. Hilang the 'I dont care im wearing my vice-president hoodie to class' and out came the 'crap kenapa cawie usulku hari ani!!' Of all the days.
So this girl yeah. She has white skin and a middle eastern look. When she came up closer, I found out she had blue eyes. She wears glasses jua btw. She is around the same height as me, maybe just a little shorter. Kurus kurus figure nya, well from what I could tell anyway. She wasnt wearing tight fitting clothes or anything so I was taking my best bet. All of this was happening so fast and I had to think fast.
Senyum ku.
Ia senyum balik.
So I said hi and she said hi back. Then I noticed she was carrying a law book. A EUROPEAN LAW BOOK, THE SAME CLASS I WAS HEADED FOR!!!
So i asked her, have you finished your essay yet?
She said no tapi cakap ia kan masuk seminar. I asked her where. She said arah the building next to the cinema. MY SEMINAR ROOM!!!! Fate anyone?
So I said I was going to the same place, and bejalan tia kami to class. Aku cerita2 sama ia pasal essay and why ive never seen her in class before. Rupanya this was only a replacement class for one she missed on monday. I asked her for her name. She told me. Ill keep it secret first and tell you later ;)FATE!!!
So we got to class, class was lame tapi sudah abis class she came up to me and asked me if I was busy. Ehhhhh nya ku.... this has never ever happened to me in my life. I said no and she asked me if i wanted to go and have coffee. So we sat in the cinema cafe right next to class for HOURSSSS talking about stuff. When I say hours eksen ku pulang, it was around 40 minutes before we both went our seperate ways. Tapi hear this... or read this, apa saja lah.
She told me she is from Egypt. She told me she has 2 brothers and a younger sister. She is in her 2nd year same as me. Her brother is a pilot! She loves drinking coffee because she is addicted to it and is using it to get over ciggarettes which i kalahkan aku, ia quit betahun sudah. Akhir akhir in the conversation I find out she has been single for almost as long as I have... tapi I dont really know how long I have been single actually... at least 2 years lah kali. hahaha.
And the kicker, ia cakap she is amazed she had never noticed a guy like me around uni before. Lawa lah tu ertinya. HAHAHAHAHHAA
So you see guys. Im kinda in a daze right now. Half 'ive met my soulmate' and half ngalih pasal aku inda cukup tidur. Tapi pokoknya, esok kami jumpa lagi!!!!
Tapi ani lah yang paling power. Her name, and you will never believe what her name is.......
Friday, 27 March 2009
Bad English
I love bad english. It makes me happy to read when people try and write their blog entries, tapi grammar nya inda berapa. ESPECIALLY kalau orang atu steady english nya tapi sudah when it comes to writing abiissss. I love it. I think pasal it makes me feel better when orang ucap melayu ku. I dont even think my melayu is that bad. When I try to mix it with English, thats when the meaning of what I am saying hilang sedikit. Grammar and sentence structure shouldnt be at top priority when mixing languages.
Anyway back to my point, cali wah orang yang inda berapa English nya. Im not going to say any names, but im sure my close friends know some of the people im referring too. Hahaha. Its not that im trying to be mean, I am mean sudah so apa boleh buat. I cant even help it, reading close friends punya blog, and suddenly ada grammar mistake that just makes you laugh out loud tarus. It makes my day. Pacah buiii
Tadi aku liat this youtube VLOG. It was this girl who looked young tapi still old enough to be checked out. Guys know what im talking about. Anyway, baju nya macam teruk lah, not what a respectable girl of any age should be wearing. So i was listening to it, waiting for some grammar mistakes so I could ketawa, and then ia cakap, word for word (kali)
'good luck to my bestfriend for her PMB :D'
Kalau kamu kan liat click ---->>>>>>>SINI HAHAHA
Anyway back to my point, cali wah orang yang inda berapa English nya. Im not going to say any names, but im sure my close friends know some of the people im referring too. Hahaha. Its not that im trying to be mean, I am mean sudah so apa boleh buat. I cant even help it, reading close friends punya blog, and suddenly ada grammar mistake that just makes you laugh out loud tarus. It makes my day. Pacah buiii
Tadi aku liat this youtube VLOG. It was this girl who looked young tapi still old enough to be checked out. Guys know what im talking about. Anyway, baju nya macam teruk lah, not what a respectable girl of any age should be wearing. So i was listening to it, waiting for some grammar mistakes so I could ketawa, and then ia cakap, word for word (kali)
'good luck to my bestfriend for her PMB :D'
Kalau kamu kan liat click ---->>>>>>>SINI HAHAHA
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
BruNotts 2009
Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabaraqatuh. Yo yo yo.
Sorry its been a while, almost one week since Notts, but ive been busy finishing this one essay which is worth 40% of the module. Terpaksa banar2 so I dont screw up this year. Last year siok, since first year doesnt count. Biar tia. Alhadullilah abis one essay. 3 more to go.
Anyway, Brunotts bah. Play by play.
First game lawan chitty chitty bang bang. Rupanya they were team KFC from winter games, and they qualified for the quarter finals that time too. Tarus2 first game kami was a must win. We won 1-0 and keeper kami pulled off a brilliant save at virtually the last kick of the game. He was one on one with the striker.
Second game kami lawan Destroyerz, eventual champions. First we scored a goal with some brilliant striker interplay. Keeper had no chance. Sayangnya, around 3 minutes from the end of the game, our goal scorer inda dapat memblock striker dorang and his shot flew right through our keepers arms. Sayang. Id stay more 2 points dropped than kami kaluk dapat draw. Unfortunately, stratergy destroyerz main 1 striker and yang lain defend saja worked really well... sampai champions. Hahaha baie
Third game lawan Aces. This was suppose to be the game yang inda payah berabis, no offence to Aces. We went into the match knowing dorang kalah sudah 2 kali, sekali kalah 4-1. Mestilah kami masuk confident sikit. TAPINYA, SUDAH MAIN!!! Unluckly lah kami. We just couldnt score. 0-0
Fourth game. Sakura. Champions winter games and dorang undefeated that tornament jua. Unfortunately for us, this tornament dorang kalah before lawan kami. They were in a must win. Siapa manang diantara kami, iatah tu yang qualify second place. Destroyerz won all their games except against kami. Si chip score. Kami losing 1-0.
Result, 1-1. Because of the draw, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and kami mesti manang the next game. If CCBB manang, they would qualify. If they drew and kami manang, we would go thru. Kalau kami dua2 kalah, sakura would go thru. Auh confusing. Payah kami work it out before our last game.
Last game lawan Glasgow. Kami leading 3-1 at one point until I made a mistake and kami concede 1 goal, so it was 3-2. Kami manang pulang, the winner scored by MR AMAZING CAPTAIN HAFIIZH HASSAN! CCBB lost their last game.
Ok, you know when you come out of the hardest group in the whole world, you would hope with all your strength that the quarter finals would at least be kind to you. Hopefully you would get one of the lesser teams. I mean, its well deserved if you knocked out WINTER GAMES CHAMPIONS AND ALSO QUARTER FINALISTS. Thats 2 of the favourite teams kami kalahkan sudah. But no. Kami dapat Senna.
Kami kalah btw. Malas ku cerita kan pasal padas masih. If only I was fitter and lagi handal. Biar tia. We lost 1-0. Captain Senna shoot. Our Keeper caught the ball. When he landed, he lost his grip on the ball and it rolled.... slowly..... berabis... over the line. Atu ya. Heartbreak hotel.
Ohhh well. Ada jua rasa qualify atu.
Next up, LUFBRU GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, 23 March 2009
Friday, 20 March 2009
Popular Culture, Media and Art



When you see the module name (the one in the title), the things that come to mind is awesome stuff. Popular Culture.. football is a culture, games are culture. Well thats what I first thought. Rupanya if I just wiki-ed the word culture, id discover what it actually means is
* excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities
* an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning
* the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group.
If I knew this is what I was getting myself into when I put myself down for the module, ready2 ku 1st week of uni drop tarus and change it for something which is easy and awesome. I thought id be studying about really cool stuff, which is what I thought the word POPULAR meant. Who would have thought, no 21 uni weeks in to the year, I know nothing about Popular Culture. Hahaha sialan. This was suppose to be the easy module I take so I can fit in more time to play football, main game and concentrate on my other modules, my law modules, my most important modules. But now im stuck, stayed up all night just so I could make it to the 10am class on a friday because I always miss it. Its not that I am sengaja-ing missing the classes jua. This year has been a very good year in terms of going into class and studying. I finally learned how to use the online library. My essay marks werent terrible (Except for ni the whole topic of this post) and for each of my law modules, I have only missed 1 seminar each all year. Compared to last year, I think I deserve a pat on the back.
Its a shame im going to go into the easter holidays, again just like last year, worrying about how I am very likely going to fail an exam unless ada miracle. Like last year. Tapi at least this year its only the one exam yang mesti miracle. Last year semua mesti miracle, and Alhamdullilah success jua akhirnya. Ohh well. My dad told me tadi nothing which is worth it comes easy. I should of took something yang inda brapa worth it tapi boleh kraja masih. Hahahaha.
Brunotts countdown. 2 days.
Countdown to actually being any good at playing football. ELLLAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Bah atu saja.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Tempat Chillz
Hari atu Shuk came to UK kajap to do his license thing. Sampat kami main bola and everything and cerita2 about the old days. One thing yang paling ku miss was a place online where kami dapat gossip2 and mengumpat. Not that mengumpat is a bad thing, but it gives everyone something to talk about. Hahaha, not really a good reason but whatcha going to do.
So I decided to make this site. Its not a blogging site. Its a site where I will post up random stuff, off the top of my head, sometimes, a couple of times a week just so you all have that one extra URL to go to when you guys are bored. Im hoping this is going to get a good reception. I really want this to be a more visitor oriented site, where reading the tagboard and comments is the only reason you come here. Hahaha
Oklah. I think this is so I dont do my work pulang ni. Deadlines inda lagi batah. Ok. Please tag and do whatever. Be whoever you want. Cali kah dramatic kah whatever. This is your site.
So I decided to make this site. Its not a blogging site. Its a site where I will post up random stuff, off the top of my head, sometimes, a couple of times a week just so you all have that one extra URL to go to when you guys are bored. Im hoping this is going to get a good reception. I really want this to be a more visitor oriented site, where reading the tagboard and comments is the only reason you come here. Hahaha
Oklah. I think this is so I dont do my work pulang ni. Deadlines inda lagi batah. Ok. Please tag and do whatever. Be whoever you want. Cali kah dramatic kah whatever. This is your site.
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